I have an MWSE script that will give Mehrunes Razor the %chance instant kill. Anyone think they can make a non-MWSE one?
I have a handy script so that I can add a spell/power/ability to the PC if they equip an item. So, if you see both SPELL and CE effects, don't be confused. The "^" indicates new effects, which may or may not be based on lore. Also, I haven't completed filling things out. I'm currently in the middle of the 6th house artifacts, and I'm having trouble thinking of things to give them.
If you have feedback or any ideas, let me know. I'm unhappy with the 6th house items at the moment, and the Ashlander artifacts. I can't think of anything good for them that doesn't just seem like a re-hash of "fortify this" and "resist that". Maybe some scripts are in order? But I do not know how to script.

Also, you will notice there are no values yet. I'm still trying to think how I want to do things. Should things be epic, like the 40point fortify AGI and END on the Oreyn Bearclaw helm? Or something more modest like 20pt bonuses? Do I follow lore and make Phynaster's ring grant total immunity? If so, should I boost up other "resist" enchantments on other artifacts? You can see how this becomes a thought-consuming creative endeavor.
For your edification:
madstone of ahemmusa
ring of moon and star
seizing of erabenimsum
teeth of urshilaku
thong of zainab
amulet of heartfire
fire shield
fortify agility
amulet of heartheal
fortify endurance
amulet of heartrime
frost shield
fortify willpower
amulet of heartthrum
lightning shield
fortify speed
belt of heartfire
fire shield
fortify strength
blood ring
restore fatigue
resist poison
heart ring
restore health
resist paralysis
soul ring
restore magicka
resist magicka
amulet of usheeja
^feather CE
^sanctuary CE
^Frost Shield SPELL
auriel's bow
shock damage / fire damage SPELL
damage magicka SPELL
auriel's shield
resist magick CE
resist fire CE
restore health SPELL
Bloodworm Helm
absorb fatigue SPELL
absorb health SPELL
absorb magicka SPELL
Fortify COnjuration CE
boots of the apostle
levitate SPELL
^ water walk CE
^ fortify willpower CE
bow of shadows
Fortify speed CE
Invisibility SPELL
reflect CE
resist fire CE
restore health SPELL
cuirass of savior's hide
resist magicka CE
^resist normal weapons CE
daedric crescent
disintegrate armor STRIKE
paralyze STRIKE
denstagmer's ring
resist fire CE
resist frost CE
resist shock CE
dragobone cuirass
resist fire CE
fire damage SPELL
ebony mail
resist magicka CE
resist fire CE
shield CE
eleidon's ward
restore health SPELL
^fortify endurance CE
^fortify block CE
fang of haynekhtnamet
shock damage
^water breathing CE
^resist shock CE
fists of randagulf
fortify strength CE
^ fortify attack CE
(-fortify agility)
fire damage STRIKE
^restore fatigue STRIKE
helm of oreyn bearclaw
fortify agility CE
fortify endurance CE
ice blade of the monarch
frost damage STRIKE
^paralyze STRIKE
lord's mail
restore health CE
resist magicka CE
cure poison SPELL
mace of molag bal
absorb strength SPELL
absorb health STRIKE
masque of clavicus vile
fortify personality CE
^ charm SPELL
mehrunes razor
kill on strike SCRIPT
poison damage STRIKE
mentor's ring
fortify intelligence CE
fortify wisdom CE
Necromancer's Amulet
fortify intelligence CE
absorb spells CE
restore health CE
ring of khajiit
sanctuary CE
fortify speed CE
invisibility SPELL
ring of phynaster
resist poison CE
resist magicka CE
resist shock CE
Spell: Shield
ring of surroundings
chameleon CE
Chameleon SPELL
ring of the wind
fortify agility CE
Levitate + Chameleon SPELL
kill on strike / Dispel???
Summon Lesser Daedra SPELL
skeleton key
open 1x/day SPELL
skull crusher
feather CE
fortify attack CE
^ light CE
spear of bitter mercy
kill on strike
^ shock damage + damage health STRIKE
spell breaker
reflect CE
silence SPELL
staff of hasedoki
resist magicka CE
^ fortify max magicka CE
frost shield SPELL
staff of magnus
absorb health STRIKE
absorb magicka STRIKE
spell absorbtion CE
restore health CE
ten pace boots
fortify speed CE
fortify athletics CE
^ Jump + Slowfall SPELL
umbra sword
soultrap STRIKE
^ damage health STRIKE
vampiric ring
absorb health SPELL
absorb health STRIKE
paralyze STRIKE
damage strength STRIKE
warlock's ring
fortify speed CE
reflect CE
restore health SPELL
wings of the queen of bats
Night eye
Damage Health
detect animal
cleaver of st felms
drain intelligence CE
fortify attack CE
fire damage STRIKE
crosier of st llothis
resist blight CE
drain speed
damage magicka STRIKE
dispel STRIKE
hair shirt of st aralor
drain health
resist magicka
resist shock
restore health
shoes of st rilms
fortify personality
fortify endurance
drain magicka
ring of moon and star
seizing of erabenimsum
teeth of urshilaku
thong of zainab
amulet of heartfire
fire shield
fortify agility
amulet of heartheal
fortify endurance
amulet of heartrime
frost shield
fortify willpower
amulet of heartthrum
lightning shield
fortify speed
belt of heartfire
fire shield
fortify strength
blood ring
restore fatigue
resist poison
heart ring
restore health
resist paralysis
soul ring
restore magicka
resist magicka
amulet of usheeja
^feather CE
^sanctuary CE
^Frost Shield SPELL
auriel's bow
shock damage / fire damage SPELL
damage magicka SPELL
auriel's shield
resist magick CE
resist fire CE
restore health SPELL
Bloodworm Helm
absorb fatigue SPELL
absorb health SPELL
absorb magicka SPELL
Fortify COnjuration CE
boots of the apostle
levitate SPELL
^ water walk CE
^ fortify willpower CE
bow of shadows
Fortify speed CE
Invisibility SPELL
reflect CE
resist fire CE
restore health SPELL
cuirass of savior's hide
resist magicka CE
^resist normal weapons CE
daedric crescent
disintegrate armor STRIKE
paralyze STRIKE
denstagmer's ring
resist fire CE
resist frost CE
resist shock CE
dragobone cuirass
resist fire CE
fire damage SPELL
ebony mail
resist magicka CE
resist fire CE
shield CE
eleidon's ward
restore health SPELL
^fortify endurance CE
^fortify block CE
fang of haynekhtnamet
shock damage
^water breathing CE
^resist shock CE
fists of randagulf
fortify strength CE
^ fortify attack CE
(-fortify agility)
fire damage STRIKE
^restore fatigue STRIKE
helm of oreyn bearclaw
fortify agility CE
fortify endurance CE
ice blade of the monarch
frost damage STRIKE
^paralyze STRIKE
lord's mail
restore health CE
resist magicka CE
cure poison SPELL
mace of molag bal
absorb strength SPELL
absorb health STRIKE
masque of clavicus vile
fortify personality CE
^ charm SPELL
mehrunes razor
kill on strike SCRIPT
poison damage STRIKE
mentor's ring
fortify intelligence CE
fortify wisdom CE
Necromancer's Amulet
fortify intelligence CE
absorb spells CE
restore health CE
ring of khajiit
sanctuary CE
fortify speed CE
invisibility SPELL
ring of phynaster
resist poison CE
resist magicka CE
resist shock CE
Spell: Shield
ring of surroundings
chameleon CE
Chameleon SPELL
ring of the wind
fortify agility CE
Levitate + Chameleon SPELL
kill on strike / Dispel???
Summon Lesser Daedra SPELL
skeleton key
open 1x/day SPELL
skull crusher
feather CE
fortify attack CE
^ light CE
spear of bitter mercy
kill on strike
^ shock damage + damage health STRIKE
spell breaker
reflect CE
silence SPELL
staff of hasedoki
resist magicka CE
^ fortify max magicka CE
frost shield SPELL
staff of magnus
absorb health STRIKE
absorb magicka STRIKE
spell absorbtion CE
restore health CE
ten pace boots
fortify speed CE
fortify athletics CE
^ Jump + Slowfall SPELL
umbra sword
soultrap STRIKE
^ damage health STRIKE
vampiric ring
absorb health SPELL
absorb health STRIKE
paralyze STRIKE
damage strength STRIKE
warlock's ring
fortify speed CE
reflect CE
restore health SPELL
wings of the queen of bats
Night eye
Damage Health
detect animal
cleaver of st felms
drain intelligence CE
fortify attack CE
fire damage STRIKE
crosier of st llothis
resist blight CE
drain speed
damage magicka STRIKE
dispel STRIKE
hair shirt of st aralor
drain health
resist magicka
resist shock
restore health
shoes of st rilms
fortify personality
fortify endurance
drain magicka