If your S.O. was in Oblivion...

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:22 am

Last night I ended up having a discussion with Zakarius where we made up each other's stats for in Oblivion, and now I'm curious what others would come up with.

So, thats my question, what would your RL boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, ect, be if they were in Oblivion?

I'll begin *evil grin*

ZakariusSvedlin now becomes....

Zarok gro-Land - Orc

Sign - The Lady *winks*

Class - Jester

Attributes - Endurance and Luck ( get your minds out the gutter! )

Skills - Hand to Hand, Blunt, Mercantile, Speechcraft, Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:47 am

You realize this is a gaming forum, yes? Not many of us have boy/girlfriends. But thanks for making us feel horrible about it and rubbing it in our faces. Makes us feel so much better. :P

Okay, now that I got that aside, my last girlfriend would totally have been an assassin too if she were in Cyrodiil. (Yes, there was a time when the Holy Assassin wasn't the pathetic loser he is today)

[Shall Remain Unnamed] - Breton

Sign - The Lover (seemed appropriate)

Class - Agent (witty but dangerous)

Favored Attributes - Personality and Agility (she's charming and was athletic)

Skills - Athletics, Acrobatics, Blade, Marksman, Sneak, Speechcraft, Mercantile
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Rodney C
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:00 pm

You realize this is a gaming forum, yes? Not many of us have boy/girlfriends. But thanks for making us feel horrible about it and rubbing it in our faces. Makes us feel so much better. :P

I'm gonna have to agree with the Holy Assassin here, thanks for making us feel SO great about ourselves. [/nerdraeg] I suppose I might as well use my last girlfriend.

Not gonna name - Dark Elf
Birthsign - The Serpent
Class: Agent
Attributes: Luck and Personality
Major Skills: Speechcraft, Destruction, Restoration, Acrobatics, Athletics, Hand-to-Hand, Light Armor.

Some kind of sweet-talking, fireball-hurling, fist-smashing Dunmer.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:07 pm

My last girlfriend was a Dark Elf alchemist...but I had to leave her when I found out what her hobby was.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:49 pm

My last girlfriend was a Dark Elf alchemist...but I had to leave her when I found out what her hobby was.

LMAO! *wanders off to get a cloth to clean the table of tea*

My last girlfriend, would probably be very similar to Helena. That's due to the idea for Helena coming from my best friend (also my last girlfriend) and loosely basing her personality on my friend's.

Edit: Which means:

Breton (I'd have said Nord, because she's not short. But then that wouldn't work).
The Apprentice
Personality and Willpower
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Jack Walker
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:32 am

The Mage
Personality and Endurance
Illusion, Speechcraft, Restoration, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Mercantile, Blunt
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Anna S
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:39 am

Female Bosmer
The Tower
Speed and Agility
Hand to Hand, alchemy, speechcraft, destruction, conjuration, acrobatics, illusion

My little sister. Nuff said. (No, I'm certainly NOT a big daddy)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:34 am

My beloved Robyn... (Cosette) (Picture in sig)

Breton: Smart and magical witha taste for French culture.
The Lady: cause shes my lady :D
Magic: She loves the harry potter books and wizardy in general
Intelligence and Personality: Shes smart and witty and fun to be around
Luck cause who isnt?
Restoration: She has healing powers, believe me
Alchemy: My baby can cook.
Speechcraft: She can make friends with anyone
Mercantile: Knows all the cool places to get stuff
Blade: She did take up fencing
Athletics: Shes a dancer and some of the strongest legs you will ever see.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:00 am

My little sister. Nuff said. (No, I'm certainly NOT a big daddy)

Dude, gross..
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:22 am

You realize this is a gaming forum, yes? Not many of us have boy/girlfriends. But thanks for making us feel horrible about it and rubbing it in our faces. Makes us feel so much better.


Or when thinking about it :sadvaultboy:
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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