I have been toying with the idea of redo'ing morrowind animations. With all the new graphics and what not, I feel its the last part of the game that needs fixing, and since no one has actually done something complete in this area, I thought I would give it a try. I don't have much animating experience, however I have access to a lot of information and tutorials on the subject, and as I understand it, Morrowind only allows for basic animations, so presuming I wanna spend a good 100 hours learning "how to", it shouldn't be too difficult.
However I having trouble understand how to get started. I don't know how to get the skeleton, and animations of the game into 3DS max, and most searching the web has turned up little to nothing. There is a guide explaining very roughly how to do it in Blender, however I don't know that, and learning a completely new program complicates the process too much in my mind.
I presume doing what I set out to do, is more difficult then I imagine, because otherwise someone would have done it already I suppose.
But if you want to help me, I need to know how to get the games animations out of the game, and into 3DS max, and I need to know how to make it compatible with Liztail's Anim Kit. Any pointers, information, thoughts, anything is welcome on the matter, even just how to get meshes and textures into 3DS max could help, so please share anything you know on the subject