Main Quest First Roleplay

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:04 am

I just noticed this seems to be a big concern with a lot of roleplayers, how the game starts you into the main quest. Many people feel that the main quest should be saved till later because the character is weak. However what if we assume the character is destined as the emperor suggests, and the main quest is the first thing to do, after that your character grows even stronger and even more legendary.

Just food for though.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:47 am

I just pretend it never happened. The emperor gave the amulet to Baurus for most of my characters.

Helena just got distracted though. She's going to see Jauffre soon. Whether or not she'll continue down the questline will only become clear when she's faced with the actual decision.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:27 pm

Power gamers will definitely say save it until at least level 17, because that is when you get the most powerful sigil stones for closing gates (and not to mention save doing everything else in the game until level 20-25 for the same reason.)

OTOH, a rational approach is that an unskilled, unseasoned, criminal is not the person qualified to be leading the Army of Light against the Host of Darkness. It does seem more reasonable for that mantle to fall upon the shoulders of someone who has proven themselves as not only capable, but willing to take on the task of saving the world. That implies not only a high level, but also a high level of Fame rather than Infamy.

The game however, says that You, have a destiny, not those other heroes, because like Frodo, you are the right person, at the right place, at the right time, to get the job done. Plus, it knows that the Army of Darkness will cooperate with your low level and only attack the world with Stunted Scamps until you figure out all this hero business.

For me, I have done the main quest only a few times. I did it once at lower level, and once at higher level 18-25. It was a lot harder at higher level. But it also felt much more epic, as I was fighting Storm Atronachs rather than Stunted Scamps. I mostly just ignore it. Like the Count, I just pretend it never happened.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:09 pm

I've only done the main quest once,with an Orc.He started the main quest right away,once he saw how tough it was he got Martin to safety and decided he needed a break.He wasn't skilled enough to keep going so when he found a good place to leave it he did.When he became a better warrior more suiteable for the adventure he resumed at a later level.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:16 am

As a roleplayer myself (although maybe not as hardcoe as some) this has never been a problem for me. In fact I always felt the problem was just the opposite, that everyone talks about how urgent this is, saying words and terms like "immediately" or "waste no time". I justify the low level scamps instead of powerful atronachs by assuming that these Oblivion invasions just began, thus only the front line creatures are being sent. The big guns start coming as time goes on and more and more gates open.

As far as being a weak character that is supposed to be a great hero, a roleplayer can easily overcome that. For instance, the rp of my current character, Khulain, is that of a man who once was a great soldier in the Imperial armies. However he became seduced by dark magic, and abandoned his duties to the Empire in search of greater power. He was eventually tracked down and captured, and jailed for his abandonment and has spent many years in prison. Thus, his great warrior abilities, and the power he gained through dark magic, have all dwindled and he needs to recapture his great power. My character is currently playing really great. I am level 14, having completed the Battle of Kvatch at level 10.

I think probably the easiest rp would be that the prisoner does have great power but just doesn't realize it yet and hasn't tapped into it. But over the course of the game, he develops those powers and becomes the great hero he is destined to be.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:12 am

Well, if I'm roleplaying a character that has absolutely nothing to do with the mainquest, then I pretend the whole thing never happened. But otherwise, I dump the amulet in Jauffre's paws and run for the hills.

I've RPed an actual person doing the mainquest, and in that I just brushed through the thing within a reasonable time frame. Not all in one go. Gave rest between quests, did side quests, and what not..
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:21 pm

Well, if I'm roleplaying a character that has absolutely nothing to do with the mainquest, then I pretend the whole thing never happened. But otherwise, I dump the amulet in Jauffre's paws and run for the hills.

Do I smell a little Maiden reference there? :thumbsup:

As for my Dunmer he just kept the amulet as he thought it looked good. Plus it gains his goal of disrupting the empire
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:06 am

Lissa will have to do the main quest at some point, as her mother, Oleta, is living in Kvatch and she'll have to visit her sooner or later.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:11 am

In legend of the seeker Richard Sipher is a simple farmboy when he is named the Seeker, so its totally been done before.

I think when I roleplay again (Im doing some auxilary characters at the moment). My character will do main quest first then use his reputation and heroism to help out the people in general,
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