Thanks for the reply, I just went with A custom spellsword. I'll just take my time this go. I suppose I'll just have to learn from my mistakes. I'm already loveing this game just hope my build can hold his own.
Can you post your race, birthsign, and skills? It's easier to give advice regarding a specific build.

As for general advice, as long as you have a weapon skill as a major skill and your class includes an armor class you should be fine. The game is somewhat leveled, but much less severly than Oblivion and it isn't scaled at all. NPCs are all fixed level and 80% of the creatures are level 10 or lower. It is somewhat tough to be a mage though.
Magic in Morrowind is on one hand very powerful but on the other hand much more limited than in Oblivion. It is limited because:
1. You only regenerate Magicka when you are resting. BTW, this makes Atronach much more powerful than it is in Oblivion (the downside is much smaller).
2. Base Magicka is equal to your Intelligence. That is only half as much as in Oblivion. As a result most characters have very limited Magicka pools.
3. Magic skill doesn't reduce the cost of spells. As a result high level spells will quickly drain the reserves of even the most powerful mages.
Because of this most mages find themselves doing one or more of the following three things:
1. Resting all the time (or using Atronach tricks) and/or drinking huge amounts of Restore Magicka potions.
2. Primarily using a weapon for combat (this one is most common among half-mage classes like Battlemages and Nightblades).
3. Heavily relying on cast-when-used enchantments.
To elaborate on that third point, enchantments actually don't suffer from any of the limitaions of standard spellcasting. Their charge regenerates all the time (unlike in Oblivion), the full charge can go up to 400 (if you use Golden Saint souls to make them) or even higher (if you kill a couple of unique extremely powerful creatures), and a high enchant skill does reduce the amount of charge you use up. Their only disadvantage is that a single magic item can only ever be used to cast one spell. But since rings are light enough that even low Strength character can easily carry a couple of dozens you, it's hardly a serious drawback.