Blender Export help

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:01 pm

So I'm trying to make a simple coin;
(Example, the pictured issue was fixed, the coin is what im making)

But when i export as a .NIF and load it up in Nifskope i get this issue:

where the textures don't even show up in the details, nor do they load on the mesh.

Anyone have an idea what i messed up on?

PS: yes the textures are .dds and sized to the power of 2 and UV mapped.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:01 am

So I'm trying to make a simple coin;
(Example, the pictured issue was fixed, the coin is what im making)

But when i export as a .NIF and load it up in Nifskope i get this issue:

where the textures don't even show up in the details, nor do they load on the mesh.

Anyone have an idea what i messed up on?

PS: yes the textures are .dds and sized to the power of 2 and UV mapped.

Did you give the mesh a
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:39 am

Did you give the mesh a

I thought i did.

EDIT: yes i did. (that explanation is almost exactly what i did to texture it.)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:15 pm

I thought i did.

EDIT: yes i did. (that explanation is almost exactly what i did to texture it.)

Hmm...I don't know what the issue is then. Try asking in the Construction Set forum. The thread is probably your best bet.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:07 pm

Did you assign a texture to the material? If you don't, UV maps won't be exported. I think that is your problem 'cause I've accidentally got the same result as you a million times.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:34 am

Have you tried going into nifskope and importing your mesh into a vanilla mesh? I think most of the time in blender you have to use nifskope to deal with the messy exporting
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kevin ball
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:55 am

Have you tried going into nifskope and importing your mesh into a vanilla mesh? I think most of the time in blender you have to use nifskope to deal with the messy exporting

This is my suggestion as well^^
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:08 am

Where is your texture saved? Is that place set up in Nifskope?
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john page
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:52 am

Sounds like you just didn't apply the material correctly. If you want, you can send me the .blend file and the texture you are using and I can take a look at it for you. You can PM me a link or if you want to send it directly through email PM me and I will give you the address.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:47 am

Did you assign a texture to the material? If you don't, UV maps won't be exported. I think that is your problem 'cause I've accidentally got the same result as you a million times.

that i think i missed. i will try that.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:09 am

I think most of the time in blender you have to use nifskope to deal with the messy exporting

most of the time I recommend you have to go back to blender and get setup to export correctly. messy exporting is almost always user error.

dudes, it gets worse for F3. much worse. 3 reasons, export is actually more complex. the exporters aren't as robust as they are for oblivion content. and nearly everybody reads and follows these outdated nif hack tutorials that were written with in the first couple months, when the exporter wasn't functional, or the modder can't actually do it right and just parrots the bad info in those earlier hack tuts. just look at probably any popular mod with custom assets. most of the time it's messy as hell in there. and what bugs me- nearly always do these guys recommend to people wanting to learn how, still do the hacking in nifskope even when the exporters work. basically. propagating the long messy hacking process. I just can't seem to get these guys to try a better, faster, more efficient way. its like people will be doing copying over of trishape data blocks forever.
(nifs now have this indexing which makes copying branches from nif to nif lead to potential corruption, it's just not the same or easy as ob)

just saying.... TES5 < i will be there to campaign for HQ knowledge. I should just write more tuts... just loafing on it :obliviongate:
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:20 am

most of the time I recommend you have to go back to blender and get setup to export correctly. messy exporting is almost always user error.

dudes, it gets worse for F3. much worse. 3 reasons, export is actually more complex. the exporters aren't as robust as they are for oblivion content. and nearly everybody reads and follows these outdated nif hack tutorials that were written with in the first couple months, when the exporter wasn't functional, or the modder can't actually do it right and just parrots the bad info in those earlier hack tuts. just look at probably any popular mod with custom assets. most of the time it's messy as hell in there. and what bugs me- nearly always do these guys recommend to people wanting to learn how, still do the hacking in nifskope even when the exporters work. basically. propagating the long messy hacking process. I just can't seem to get these guys to try a better, faster, more efficient way. its like people will be doing copying over of trishape data blocks forever.
(nifs now have this indexing which makes copying branches from nif to nif lead to potential corruption, it's just not the same or easy as ob)

just saying.... TES5 < i will be there to campaign for HQ knowledge. I should just write more tuts... just loafing on it :obliviongate:

Agreed that the new exporters are functional unlike when I first started modding Oblivion ( I would not have been able to produce armor for a certain un-named modder friend of mine's project without a working exporter that would take the rigging information with it).

My point is the OP is trying to export a simple shape...a coin with no rigging or attached animations, and does not understand all the pieces of a .nif file (yet) so therefore does not know that material, texture, collision mesh, etc needs to be attached before export.
For his purposes, and to get to learn the file structure of a .nif (as well as taste some success before throwing up his hands, and giving up on modding altogether) I recommended he take it one step at a time, and by doing the .nif hack method for this simple item learn what makes up a .nif for the more complex ones that will require direct export from his modeling program.
Perhaps a bit 'retro' but the best way for him to take the time to really look at what makes up a .nif to better understand what to set up, and how in his modeling program for a proper export on (hopefully) more complex things (for the community) in the future.
Just my thoughts on this certain item, and modder (since we have communicated via PM).

I would also love to see more tutorials done by you Ghogiel.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:16 am

fair enough :D

there's plenty of time to be nif hacking! guarantee a lot of time being spent doing that. I'm certainly absolutely sick of needing to do a lot of the post processing in nifskope. I completely avoid it where ever possible. most of the time its not needed. as you say, beyond statics and basics, skinned meshes, no way around it, it's got to be done.
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Allison C
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:38 pm

I agree it was nice to export a working .nif directly from my modeling program with the (more recent) armor project I did for a friend.
I do know however that I would never have figured out everything I needed to have attached in my modeling program without having done the NifSkope hacks since 2006.
In the beginning that's how I learned was to open up existing .nif files from the game in NifSkope, and see exactly how they were put together (didn't help that on the early versions of NifSkope there were many 'Unknown' items :P).
I believe this would help the OP as well.
Do I want him to continue to do the NifSkope hack method?
For Heavens sake "No".
But to see what's actually in there, and how it was set up by the ones that made the game would be a good base for returning to Blender, and the exporters in the near future with a much better understanding of what it needs to work in game.

So................What's the ETA on some cool new tutorials from you that I can link prospective modders who PM me too? :P
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:43 am

I agree it was nice to export a working .nif directly from my modeling program with the (more recent) armor project I did for a friend.
I do know however that I would never have figured out everything I needed to have attached in my modeling program without having done the NifSkope hacks since 2006.
In the beginning that's how I learned was to open up existing .nif files from the game in NifSkope, and see exactly how they were put together (didn't help that on the early versions of NifSkope there were many 'Unknown' items :P).
I believe this would help the OP as well.
Do I want him to continue to do the NifSkope hack method?
For Heavens sake "No".
But to see what's actually in there, and how it was set up by the ones that made the game would be a good base for returning to Blender, and the exporters in the near future with a much better understanding of what it needs to work in game.

So................What's the ETA on some cool new tutorials from you that I can link prospective modders who PM me too? :P

I think I agree with you to a certain extent. one caveat(if thats the right word lol)

Because I actually remember that looking at an oblivion nif in 2006 for me was like trying to read chinese. and I pretty much have followed the development of niftools utilities and extensively broke everything I ever touched since. I know how confusing and daunting it all still must be. So while I want people to get stuck in there and basically memorize* the structure of all the different flavor blocks found in nifs, I guess just cutting out all the BS and straight to bare basics, with results is initially best. minimal doing stuff=less chance of breaking it

*(Yes.I know. scary. don't be a puss! sooner you do that the better, you\ll never run outa brain space so you might as well just copy pasta that to the internal hdd, as much as you can, as early as you can, if you think you'll be around a while :) ),

<3 nifskope and :brokencomputer: too

As for export tuts deadline. when i know a few more things that I want to test. its all for F3+ max though. (decided to move to f3, thinking its a indicator for tes5 modding, might be useful :shrug: but worth it, lvled up loads in every area :). Learnt more about nifs from working across both games than you'd imagine, as well as being up to date) I have been making notes for a while with the intention of building at least a basic mesh export workflow tut. < probably basic static, Basic helmet, my basic custom scene animation hack( it's pretty obvious, but makes anim exports and set up way faster than trying to fix all the little things that are wrong with a straight exported nif w/ anim (which I may cover as well as the F3 quirks are still undocumented afaik) and of course skinned meshes. But then there are all the small little things you may encounter which I have some notes, which would be invaluable in very peculiar circumstances. like how I've solved alpha sorting problems on different meshes.. this ish gets complex. Shader flag breakdown. complete alpha flag map and practical application guide.
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