Perhaps it is just me ... but regarding the two translation issues today (Adash and the Order) could it be a cultural thing?
I've not read the readmes on each and I'm certainly NEVER going to translate a readme to read it, but it does not seem that the offers for translation are that egregious - coming from the point of view of a North American. Certainly not of the caliber of unforgivable.
I recall similar exercise with the Oblivion Alive mod ... perhaps there are cultural differences we are not aware of on our side. Perhaps the culture of the German Modders is much different than that of American Counterparts. Different expectations, different standards. I believe Walker was inspired by the new mod translator by Lady Li (if I'm not mistaken German).
It really is not a close issue with me in the long run, however, as another giant uber mod project is the same elusive, intangible, never obtained thing regardless of the language.
I've not read the readmes on each and I'm certainly NEVER going to translate a readme to read it, but it does not seem that the offers for translation are that egregious - coming from the point of view of a North American. Certainly not of the caliber of unforgivable.
I recall similar exercise with the Oblivion Alive mod ... perhaps there are cultural differences we are not aware of on our side. Perhaps the culture of the German Modders is much different than that of American Counterparts. Different expectations, different standards. I believe Walker was inspired by the new mod translator by Lady Li (if I'm not mistaken German).
It really is not a close issue with me in the long run, however, as another giant uber mod project is the same elusive, intangible, never obtained thing regardless of the language.
I don't think it's a cultural thing - it's really a respect thing. I don't know if you are a modder or create anything. But if you put yourself in the shoe/perspective of the modder, I think you will understand fully just how it feels.
Personally, lets say I draw comic books. I made one that looks very promising and people really want to read it but it's not in English. Then someone without permission goes around telling people that he is translating it now. As the original author, I will assume that he is going to release it when he is done that is why he is telling other people. And I will feel disrespected that he didn't even ask for my permission OR at least let me know about it. If this really happens - my first reaction is gonna be WTF? It's really a respect thing. No matter if it's a mod or anything else - trying to release someone else's work in another language without permission is just disrespectful for the original creator.