I too wish a dev would clear this up.
As far as I know, the PC has always been Bethesda Game Studios lead platform - they just scale features back to fit the consoles. :violin:
Up until Oblivion, yes. Look at oblivion and tell me that was made primarily with the PC in mind and i'll call you a liar. Nothing about the interface is on par with contemporary (or even older) PC games. That the game has been designed with a controller as the primary input device doesn't suggest a PC led development.
Comparing sales on different platforms is nigh on impossible as the PC market is so fragmented. PC gamers tended to buy their games via cheap mail order sites (eg. play.com in the UK) rather than bricks and mortar stores and those sites didn't get included in cross platform charts so there wasn't any way of tracking.
Judging the size of the PC market is equally hard. You've got games that are still in Beta selling a million copies (minecraft) and WoW plus all the other MMOs probably accounting for a larger games playing population than there are mainstream consoles. Nvidia claiming to have sold something like 100m enthusiast level cards in a year suggesting the potential PC market dawarves the console one. On the other hand you have a raft of traditional PC development companies either wholesale abandoning the platform or treating it as an afterthought (orr in the case of epic treating it like something you stepped in). What i do know is cross-platform, console focussed development with mouse acceleration, big fonts and designed for controller menus is not the way to get sales on the PC.