I recently tackled this and ended up doing it slightly different than described in that thread.
New -> Import a static statue with default settings, save it and close.
New -> File -> Append or Link -> Navigate to above .blend file -> Object -> poly0
Put that in a different layer or something and deselect all.
Import the skeleton with the default settings.
Select only the armature and import needed parts (hands, head, upperbody, armor, eyes, hair, props, etc) using default settings & Import Geometry Only + Parent To Selected Armature.
Delete the meatcaps and anything else you don't want.
If something you imported doesn't have its own armature (eyes, hair, props, etc), it has to be weight painted to a bone if it is to move with the skeleton.
Select the armature -> Pose Mode -> select the bone the prop is to be attached to -> Select the prop mesh -> Weight Paint -> Color it red
IE: Select the head bone in pose mode, then select the eye mesh, then go into weight paint and paint it red so it will move with the head ("N" = properties).
Pose the armature to your liking. Once satisfied, go into object mode with the edit buttons panel selected and for each part of the mesh - select "Make Real -> Apply" under Modifiers.
So UpperBody -> make real, Head -> make real, Hand -> make real, etc.
Then delete the armature and the meshes should retain their shape.
Shape the poly0 from the beginning around the posed actor.
Select everything (meshes and poly0) and export with default settings & Collision Options -> Static -> Stone/Metal/etc & Use BSFadeNode Root.
You should be able to drop that nif in game, posed with collision.
http://www.mediafire.com/?adkbs5f46k60qb7 I've been tinkering on for this purpose (based on http://vimeo.com/5067809). It's will probably crash n burn if you try to make an animation from it (re-parented bones), but it works good for statues
PS: If the imported skeletons bones are teal, the bone has keyframes assigned to it that with mess with ik solvers. Took me a while to figure that one out