I would like to see some kind of version of this implemented in vanilla Skyrim. Especially a way to export and package any new meshes and textures with the mod file (in the Creation Kit) similar to the .omod filetype for 1 step installation. That would definitely make things easier on us modders, as well as make it easier for non tech-savvy people to play mods easily. There is one other thing I would like to see as well. That is a feature that remembers what mods you have associated with each save file. If you load a certain save, the game only loads the mods you have associated with it. If you want to remove a mod, the game will tell you what saves are dependent on it. This would make Beta Testing mods very simple as we would not have to constantly go into the launcher and check or uncheck all the individual files anytime you play a different character. It would also let people make separate "fun" characters with mods that you like to play with now and then, but don't want on every file. Like the Pokeball mod or stuff like that.
I don't know about you guys, but this is something I would like. Thoughts?