Here's the script, the part with VATS is at the end.
scn aa3EFdrgsscript1float timer;short refresh;Short StartUpSoundShort StealthSoundStartShort NeedsMedXShort VHurtShort VRadFloat Timer2Float Timer3Short VVatsShort VCombatBegin OnEquip Player Set StartUpSound to 1 Set StealthSoundStart to 1EndBegin OnUnequip Set StartUpSound to 0 Set StealthSoundStart to 0EndBegin GameMode if refresh == 0 if timer < .5 set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed; else set timer to 0; set refresh to 1; endif else if IsKeyPressed 46 if aadrgplatesf1 == 0 set aadrgplatesf1 to 1; PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStealth set refresh to 0; else set aadrgplatesf1 to 0; set refresh to 0; endif endif endifEndBegin GameMode If Player.GetEquipped 3EFdrg011 == 1 If StartUpSound == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStart Set StartUpSound to 0 EndIf ElseIf Player.GetEquipped 3EFdrg021 == 1 If StartUpSound == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStart Set StartUpSound to 0 EndIf ElseIf Player.GetEquipped 3EFdrg031 == 1 If StartUpSound == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStart Set StartUpSound to 0 EndIf ElseIf Player.GetEquipped 3EFdrg041 == 1 If StartUpSound == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStart Set StartUpSound to 0 EndIf ElseIf Player.GetEquipped 3EFdrg051 == 1 If StartUpSound == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStart Set StartUpSound to 0 EndIf EndIf ;StimpakIf Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealthStimpak == 0 If Player.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.25 ;We have different sounds if this is our last Stimpak If Player.GetItemCount Stimpak == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStimpakEmpty Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicStimpak Player.RemoveItem Stimpak 1 ElseIf Player.GetItemCount Stimpak > 0 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorStimpak Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicStimpak Player.RemoveItem Stimpak 1 EndIf EndIfEndIf;Check for combat for Med-X, and Stim-paks;if Player.IsInCombat == 1Set NeedsMedX to 0If Player.HasMagicEffect MorphineEffect == 0 ;I do this one like this to avoid a HUGE list If Player.GetAv EnduranceCondition <= 25 Set NeedsMedX to 1 ElseIf Player.GetAv PerceptionCondition <= 25 Set NeedsMedX to 1 ElseIf Player.GetAv LeftMobilityCondition <= 25 Set NeedsMedX to 1 ElseIf Player.GetAv RightMobilityCondition <= 25 Set NeedsMedX to 1 ElseIf Player.GetAv LeftAttackCondition <= 25 Set NeedsMedX to 1 ElseIf Player.GetAv RightAttackCondition <= 25 Set NeedsMedX to 1 ElseIf Player.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.33 Set NeedsMedX to 1 EndIfEndIf If NeedsMedX == 1 ;We have different sounds if this is the last MedX If Player.GetItemCount Morphine == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorMedXEmpty Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicMorphine Player.RemoveItem Morphine 1 ElseIf Player.GetItemCount Morphine > 0 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorMedX Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicMorphine Player.RemoveItem Morphine 1 EndIfEndIf;Rad-X (or as the voice calls it Radiation-X)If Player.HasMagicEffect RadXEffect == 0 If Player.GetRadiationLevel >= 1 ;We also have a different sound for each of these If Player.GetItemCount RadX == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorRadXEmpty Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicRadX Player.RemoveItem RadX 1 ElseIf Player.GetItemCount RadX > 0 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorRadX Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicRadX Player.RemoveItem RadX 1 EndIf EndIfEndIf;Rad-AwayIf Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreRadiationLevel == 0 If Player.GetActorValue radiationrads > 190 ;We have different sounds if this is our last RadAway If Player.GetItemCount RadAway == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorRadAwayEmpty Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicRadAway Player.RemoveItem Radaway 1 ElseIf Player.GetItemCount RadAway > 0 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorRadAway Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MedicRadAway Player.RemoveItem Radaway 1 EndIf EndIfEndIfIf VHurt == 0 If Player.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.20 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorHurt Set VHurt to 1 EndifEndifIf VHurt == 1 set Timer2 to Timer2 + GetSecondsPassed; If Timer2 >= 5 If Player.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.20 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorHurt Set Timer2 to 0 Else Set VHurt to 0 set Timer2 to 0; Endif EndifEndifIf VRad == 0 If Player.GetRadiationLevel >= 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorRad Set VRad to 1 EndifEndifIf VRad == 1 set Timer3 to Timer3 + GetSecondsPassed; If Timer3 >= 5 If Player.GetRadiationLevel >= 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorRad Set Timer3 to 0 Else Set VRad to 0 set Timer3 to 0; Endif EndifEndifIf VCombat == 0 If Player.IsInCombat == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorThreat Set VCombat to 1 EndifEndifIf VCombat == 1 If Player.IsInCombat == 0 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorNoThreat Set VCombat to 0 EndifEndifEndBegin MenuMode 1056If VVats == 0 Set VVats to 1EndIfEndBegin GameModeIf VVats == 1 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorVATSEnter Set VVats to 2EndIfIf VVats == 2 If GetVATSMode == 0 PlaySound NPCMedicArmorVATsixit Set VVats to 0 EndIfEndIfEnd