» Tue May 17, 2011 2:48 am
If by some chance they managed to get mounted combat to work in the game, the biggest problem I then see is the imbalance it could create in battle. A system would have to be implemented so that exploitable repetitive attacks from the mount can't be carried out by the player.
Examples of exploitable attacks:
1) With bow or ranged spell you sit back on your mount and attack from a distance against a pair of swordsman and every time they start to gain ground on you, you hurry away on your horse to a safe distance and then dig in and begin the process all over again. ----So every NPC(both humanoid and beast with the exception of lesser creatures like rats, mudcrabs etc.) would have to possess either the speed to catch your horse swiftly and the health required to survive your attacks while he gets there, or would have to be outifitted with some type of ranged weapon(bow, spell, thowing weapon, etc.) themselves to make the fight reasonably fair and balanced.
2) From the mount and with sword in hand you sweep in and charge at an enemy, delivering a chopping strike as you pass him by, then turn around and repeat the process again and again until he's dead. You, on your horse, are advantaged in speed, momentum and leverage, the enemy on the ground wouldn't stand a chance.
To conquer the imbalance issue of both examples the devs could create a critical hit system, in which your character, while mounted, is easily susceptible to such an attack and that any NPC in the game who enters into combat with you, while you're mounted has a very high probability of successfully connecting with a critical strike that would result in dismounting you from your horse, and in turn forcing the battle to the ground. This critical strike could come in many forms(arrows, blade, blunt, spell) but the effect and animation would be similar to that of your character being staggered by an attack when he's on the ground in close quarter combat.
Example of critical attacks:
1) You're mounted with bow in hand and are circling an archer in the woods while firing bolts at him. He is shooting back. He shoots once and misses, then shoots again and hits you in the shoulder, but you stay mounted. You line up a shot and hit him square in the chest. He gets staggered by the blow and backs up a step, then shakes it off, nocks an arrow and fires back. Again he hits you but this time its a critical strike. You get staggered by the blow and tumble from your horse. The startled horse runs off a little ways so that you can't immediately remount and now the battle has been forced to the ground.
2) You're mounted with sword in hand atop a snowy plateau. A big burly Nord is charging towards you from several yards away, with a big battleaxe gripped in both hands. You start the horse moving and charge towards him. You swing as you pass him by, drawing blood, but he also swings, striking the horse in the chest for damage. You speed past him then turn your horse and prepare for another charge. Enraged, by the sight of his own blood the Nord turns and comes at you more determined than before. You charge forward and clash with the Nord again, but this time his strike against your horse is a critical attack. The horse rears up on its hind legs, dislodging you from the saddle and sends you falling to the ground, leaving you vulnerable to attack, while he runs off a short distance so that you can't immediately remount. Again the fight has been effectively brought to the ground.
Not sure if this makes sense to anyone, :shrug: , but if they did bring mounted combat into the game, I think this would probably be the best way to balance it.