Birthsigns:These are what I suggest for birthsign that would keep their flavor forever, but the actual suggested numbers might need a bit of tweaking for balance.
These are based on active or passive birthsign perks that I have mentioned earlier.
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The Serpent: Poison Master
You are tha-poison-master.
- All the poison damage that you inflict on the opponents is increased by 15 percent and that additional damage could not be resisted.
- +10 speed
- +10 agility
- +1 sun damage
- Active birthsign perk: Shadow Shield --> prevents sun damage for 6 hours, and recharges after the next sarcophagus sleep of 2 hours at least.
Great for backstabbing poisoned dagger wielding assassins, or the ones who want to become a vampire eventually.
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The Warrior: Fighter
You are better attacker when you are close to the target.
- All melee attacks would inflict 10 percent additional physical damage that could not be resisted.
- +10 strength
Great for any tank type who likes to be up front dealing melee damage.
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The Lady: Defender
You are better at handling incoming blows.
- All the physical damage taken is reduced by 10 percent.
- +10 endurance
Great for any character who is in the middle of fights taking physical damage.
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The Steed: Carrier
You are better runner, rider, driver and carrier.
- Movement speed on earth is 15 percent faster than other people.
- You can carry 15 percent more weight than others.
- +10 speed
Great for any impatient character who do not like to waste his precious time.
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The Lord: Healthier
You are in better shape than others but cannot handle heat.
- +15 percent total health
- +15 percent total fatigue
- +2 percent restore health per second
- +100 percent weakness to fire
Great for any character who is usually in the middle of actions, taking damage and wielding weapons, especially for dunmers who can naturally resist fire.
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The Mage: Nuker
You are a fearsome spell caster and damage dealer.
- Any offensive spell effect is 10 percent more effective and that additional effect cannot be resisted.
- 50 percent of spell effect power cannot be reflected.
- Cannot absorb any spell effect.
- -20 percent total health
- +10 will power
Great for the nuke type characters who like to deal damage by casting offensive spells.
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The Apprentice: Learner
You are a great learner of magic and spells.
- +15 percent more magicka
- You learn how to cast spells 15 percent sooner than other casters.
- +10 intelligence
Great for magic casters who like to learn more powerful spells sooner than others.
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The Atronach: Capacitor
You can cast a lot of spells at one stand but need to recharge the power by unconventional means.
- +50 percent more magicka
- +50 percent absorb magic spell power, so you absorb half the power of any magic cast at you as magicka for yourself.
- Stunted magicka, so that you cannot gain magicka gradually in time.
Great for any kind of spell caster who likes lots of magicka and does not mind using potions to regain them, or any fighter type who likes the extra protection from magic spells.
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The Ritual: Purifier
You are the purifier of life.
- Any damage dealt to undead has a chance of causing them to flee, depending on the percentage of un-health taken from the target.
- +10 percent of the un-health taken from the undead is absorbed as health, fatigue or magicka in each attack, for self and companions, whichever is lower for each person.
- Active birthsign perk: Purify --> An area effect spell that confuses all the affected undead below your level for a while and damages vampires, and recharges at the next chapel altar. Confused undead might attack anything nearby, seat down covering their face or just wander blindly and fall down the pits. Vampires and Liches do not get confused more than a few seconds, and while confused they just stand with weapons or spells ready to cast.
- You can not summon any type of undead, and they hate your guts anyways.
- You can not become an undead yourself, like vampire or lich and so on...
Great for any type of vampire hunter and necromancy hater out there.
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The Thief: Cleaner
You can pick your targets one by one without being noticed.
- +50 percent more sneak attack damage.
- +10 Luck
Great for any assassin, stalker or cleaner type of character.
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The Lover: Charmer
You are great at manipulating people around your little fingers.
- +10 percent higher disposition from the opposite six
- +10 percent higher disposition from the same race
- +10 percent more disposition gain in the right situations
- +10 percent less disposition penalty in any bad situation
- +10 personality
- -20 percent total fatigue
Great for any character who likes to manipulate people to do her wish.
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The Shadow: Lurker
You are great at infiltrating hard to enter places.
- When standing still, you gradually blend into your surrounding landscape, and the less light on the spot the faster you do it, and this effect is added to your sneak effect.
- The first physical action after that will gradually but rapidly diminish the shadow effect.
- Active birthsign perk: Distract --> a unique and silent spell that makes noise at the target destination, distracting nearby characters and monsters. Recharges after about 10 seconds.
- +10 Agility
Great for any character who likes nocturnal missions.
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The Tower: Seer
You are great at sensing nearby danger or treasure.
- You see surrounding notable danger or treasure in the local map or HUD mini-map.
- The notable parameter depends on the level of the character and the amount of the danger or treasure.
- And the distance that they show depends on the target's concealment power or the treasure's importance.
- So the less important notable treasures will show themselves at larger distance than the more important ones.
- When near enough to the treasures or the danger, you might see visual or hear vocal signs about the nearby target.
Great for any character who likes treasure hunting in dangerous places.
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OK, those are just for showcase that we can have great and individually usable birthsigns that would not lose their flavor in the course of the game.
Cheers. :grad:
Edit: Corrections.