roleplaying the MQ

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:38 am

I decided to FINALLY try to complete the MQ but i hated it so ill make it more fun,I'll roleplay it.

.the charcter is a guard.he was a guard in skyrim and is a bit of a patron for the skyrim area and is racist agains all non-nords EXPECLLY(SPELLING ERRORS!)FREAKIN WOOD ELVES!(sorry buffy but i hate you kind!)

heres his class

class name:Guard
main skills:strenght,endurance.
major skills:atlethics,blade,marksman,armourer,heavy armour,speachcraft(can also be merchantil)

by the way first(i know i say this alot but this is gonna be quite strict roleplaying!) REALLY hardcoe roleplaying.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:24 am

I decided to FINALLY try to complete the MQ but i hated it so ill make it more fun,I'll roleplay it.

.the charcter is a guard

heres his class

class name:Guard
main skills:strenght,endurance.
major skills:atlethics,blade,marksman,armourer,heavy armour,speachcraft(can also be merchantil)

by the way first(i know i say this alot but this is gonna be quite strict roleplaying!) REALLY hardcoe roleplaying.

If you're really into hardcoe roleplaying a guard, you might be interested in using the same skills as the guard NPC class (your list is close.)

Their skill list is: Athletics, Blade, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Marksman, and Sneak.
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Strength, Endurance
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:23 pm

Before anyone asks, I suspect the reason why guards have Sneak is because the Sneak skill determines how good NPCs are at detecting people who are sneaking.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:58 am

....the charcter is a guard.he was a guard in skyrim and is a bit of a patron for the skyrim area and is racist agains all non-nords EXPECLLY(SPELLING ERRORS!)FREAKIN WOOD ELVES!(sorry buffy but i hate you kind!) ...

No you're not - If you were really sorry, you wouldn't hate us. I'm used to Imperials saying they would rather sleep with their horse than a Bosmer, but it stings to hear a Nord say they hate us. I mean, I know we're small and have big ears, and some of my brethren can even be a bit annoying, but we can be very helpful as scouts. We just see things differently. Can you try and imagine living in the trees, being less than five feet tall and carrying only a bow? Would that not change your approach to life somewhat?

I can't imagine being huge, almost immune to cold, having round ears or being able to wade right into a fight and not get squashed. But I still love all the races. . . even Nords.

Now, as far as my approach to the Main Quest, I think I shall sweet talk a heroic Orsimer or Nord into taking care of the Marooned Dragon and those boring affairs of state. I hope to be busy helping my brave Imperial rebuild his city of Kvatch.

Your friend (I hope), Buffy :wavey:

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:54 am

..we can be very helpful as scouts.

Bosmers and Khajiits are the best scouts, and without scouts how would the tanks know where to go? :wink_smile:

I like the idea of roleplaying the MQ as a guard. Hope you come up with a good background story for it too
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:13 am

If you're on PC there are a few mods that might enhance your roleplaying a bit: Adds all of the town guard factions to the player. The guards will treat the player as a guard. They will respond to the player with guard greetings about getting off duty, etc. Adds a kind of Army/Navy store to the game where the player can purchase town guard gear. Guards have to replace their worn-out gear somehow, don't they? An alternate start mod the player can use to begin the game in the Imperial City, or in one of the towns. A guard probably shouldn't be starting the game in prison. ;)
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:20 am

by the way the guard thing is just backstory his not a guard anymore and no buffy i still hate wood elfs.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:59 am

and it has been started
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:33 pm

by the way the guard thing is just backstory his not a guard anymore and no buffy i still hate wood elfs.

Aww, maybe my sisters and I just need to hold you down and tickle you until you cry.

If that doesn't work you probably wouldn't like my big sister either.

And if even after that, you still hate us, well. . . I fear I may have to report you to my big brother.

Little elves dancing through the forest under the light of the moons, leaving behind a trail of clothes and joy. :hugs:
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:06 pm

Aww, maybe my sisters and I just need to hold you down and tickle you until you cry.

Little elves dancing through the forest under the light of the moons, leaving behind a trail of clothes and joy. :hugs:

Can Argonians take part in this...just asking for...erm...research...for a friend... :sweat:
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:41 pm

Can Argonians take part in this...just asking for...erm...research...for a friend... :sweat:

Oh Haa-Rei, you're just being a flirt! You know you already love wood elves. And we adore you; in fact Argonians are among the kindest folk in Cyrodiil. Their voices are so soothing, and no one can match the beautiful expressiveness of those orange eyes. Besides, I'm sure I saw you drift by the other night while Superian and I were bathing in Topal Bay. I figure you probably already got an eyeful of my little elven bits! I'm just glad you're such a gentleman, um er, gentlelizard?

Uh oh, we're hijacking dear chorllhunter's thread. So sorry. Blame me, I'm just a wood elf, and water makes my clothes fall off. :blush2:

Um, I'd better say something on topic: Yes! Save a wood elf and keep our waterways safe; use a Nord to do the Main Quest!!! :tongue:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:24 am

Besides, I'm sure I saw you drift by the other night while Superian and I were bathing in Topal Bay.

Well, you know how it is. You fall asleep at the bottom of Lake Rumare and before you know it, "Whoosh", Topal Bay. ^_^

Chorllhunter, you must keep us posted on your character. I would like to know how he's getting on with the roleplaying! It sounds very interesting ^_^
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:36 pm

I've never roleplayed a guard, but my take on it would be something like round up a contingent of fellow guards (I think I used that word right...) that shuts down every gate you see around a particular city/county, probably Bruma in your case. I'm not sure what you can do with mods for this next part but I'm sure there's something for it. Pretty much set up camp by the designated gate of a certain expedition, eat 3 times a day, sleep at this camp, etc. Anyway about wood elves... at first I hated them thanks to Glarthir and YouKnowWho, but now roleplaying a crazy cannibal wood elf (inspired by the insanity of the previously mentioned elves) I kind of like them.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:42 am

Aww, maybe my sisters and I just need to hold you down and tickle you until you cry.

If that doesn't work you probably wouldn't like my big sister either.

And if even after that, you still hate us, well. . . I fear I may have to report you to my big brother.

Little elves dancing through the forest under the light of the moons, leaving behind a trail of clothes and joy. :hugs:

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:06 pm


Hee! You may be right. Kud-Ei says when she finds Henantier, that he may be able to help me. My friend Dagail has been working with me also. You know, with those voices in my head and talking to my horse and stuff.

Ardaline thinks it’s my hair color. I don't think so; I mean she's a blonde too. We even use the same hair conditioner. Want the recipe? It contains just a touch of ectoplasm, along with some rosemary oil and aloe vera for conditioning, glow dust for shine, and some finely ground bergamot for a nice citrus scent. Uh oh. Acadian says I'm being a pvssyrbox again.

Sweet waters and green paths to you.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:12 pm

Uh oh. Acadian says I'm being a pvssyrbox again.

The Buffy we all love and don′t hunt :hugs:
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:03 am

Little elves dancing through the forest under the light of the moons, leaving behind a trail of clothes and joy. :hugs:

One thing I want to ask you Buffy, do you honor your ancestors by eating your opponents, or is that a bit harsh to you? I'd love to hear a reaction from a bosmer, and a lady nonetheless, as I am studying the subject after my friend told me about your customs when he came out of Valenwood.

Arelar Magnus, son of Abel Magnus, nephew of arch-mage and temple patriarch Flunius Magnus.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:23 am

One thing I want to ask you Buffy, do you honor your ancestors by eating your opponents, or is that a bit harsh to you? I'd love to hear a reaction from a bosmer, and a lady nonetheless, as I am studying the subject after my friend told me about your customs when he came out of Valenwood.

Arelar Magnus, son of Abel Magnus, nephew of arch-mage and temple patriarch Flunius Magnus.

Let me address this question on Buffy's behalf since it would greatly confuse her. See, the beauty of a single player game is the freedom to adapt it to your purpose. I have studied the 'Green Pact' in depth and, as a deep roleplayer, have patently rejected it for our purposes.

I will not expose Buffy to such a philosophy. It's ok to eat a deer, but you cannot eat the grass that the deer eats?!? It's ok to use a wooden bow, but only if the wood does not come from Valenwood?!? If you live in Valenwood and it gets a tad chilly or you want to cook some venison, you cannot use local dead wood to make a fire?!? Instead, you pay someone outside Valenwood to strip their forests instead of yours?!? I quickly found that trying to roleplay such a philosophy degraded into silliness and reasonable questions from my characters to which there are no good answers. This topic has been debated several times here, and for a very long time, I have rejected the 'Green Pact'.

Buffy's philosophy is closer to that of some tribes of American Indians. Therefore, she is completely unfamiliar with the 'Green Pact'. She is indeed a creature of the forest however. What she knows, she learned from her archery master, Daenlin.

She ate the heart of the first deer she killed as instructed by her master. Aside from that ceremony of initiation as a hunter, she sees no need to eat her foes.

When she kills a prey animal, she kneels and thanks the animal for the flesh that sustains her. She wishes its spirit a safe journey to hopefully return again to Nirn. She respects the animal by fully utilizing it. It's magicka helps recharge her bow (she traps magic, not souls). Its flesh sustains her and she freely shares the bounty of her hunt. The hides of her kills help to clothe her (she wears boots and greaves of buckskin). She only kills a prey animal when she needs to - never for sport.

Similarly, she happily eats and utilizes the bounty of the forest that comes from plant life. She enjoys fruits, grains and vegetables along with meat in her diet. Although she is no bowyer or fletcher, her master (Daenlin) is. They happily harvest the wood he needs for his craft. In our game, life is the same in Valenwood, for that is where Daenlin hails from.

For those who wish to employ or follow the 'Green Pact', there is plenty of information about it at UESP wiki. It is simply not a part of our game, and Buffy dances to a different tune.
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