One thing I want to ask you Buffy, do you honor your ancestors by eating your opponents, or is that a bit harsh to you? I'd love to hear a reaction from a bosmer, and a lady nonetheless, as I am studying the subject after my friend told me about your customs when he came out of Valenwood.
Arelar Magnus, son of Abel Magnus, nephew of arch-mage and temple patriarch Flunius Magnus.
Let me address this question on Buffy's behalf since it would greatly confuse her. See, the beauty of a single player game is the freedom to adapt it to your purpose. I have studied the 'Green Pact' in depth and, as a deep roleplayer, have patently rejected it for our purposes.
I will not expose Buffy to such a philosophy. It's ok to eat a deer, but you cannot eat the grass that the deer eats?!? It's ok to use a wooden bow, but only if the wood does not come from Valenwood?!? If you live in Valenwood and it gets a tad chilly or you want to cook some venison, you cannot use local dead wood to make a fire?!? Instead, you pay someone outside Valenwood to strip their forests instead of yours?!? I quickly found that trying to roleplay such a philosophy degraded into silliness and reasonable questions from my characters to which there are no good answers. This topic has been debated several times here, and for a very long time, I have rejected the 'Green Pact'.
Buffy's philosophy is closer to that of some tribes of American Indians. Therefore, she is completely unfamiliar with the 'Green Pact'. She is indeed a creature of the forest however. What she knows, she learned from her archery master, Daenlin.
She ate the heart of the first deer she killed as instructed by her master. Aside from that ceremony of initiation as a hunter, she sees no need to eat her foes.
When she kills a prey animal, she kneels and thanks the animal for the flesh that sustains her. She wishes its spirit a safe journey to hopefully return again to Nirn. She respects the animal by fully utilizing it. It's magicka helps recharge her bow (she traps magic, not souls). Its flesh sustains her and she freely shares the bounty of her hunt. The hides of her kills help to clothe her (she wears boots and greaves of buckskin). She only kills a prey animal when she needs to - never for sport.
Similarly, she happily eats and utilizes the bounty of the forest that comes from plant life. She enjoys fruits, grains and vegetables along with meat in her diet. Although she is no bowyer or fletcher, her master (Daenlin) is. They happily harvest the wood he needs for his craft. In our game, life is the same in Valenwood, for that is where Daenlin hails from.
For those who wish to employ or follow the 'Green Pact', there is plenty of information about it at UESP wiki. It is simply not a part of our game, and Buffy dances to a different tune.