Markarth (Side) a Dwemer city?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:12 am

Isn't it possible that the nords built on top of the dwemer ruins? I mean they moved into the ruins, but they must have added something,
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 am

(Oh boy, parallel threads.)

Firstly, I'm not quite sure what to make of the architectural style in the setting. I do see some elements that would strongly imply they're built by the Dwemer, such as the (copper?) roof shingles. It's possible that their settlements in Morrowind were more akin to facilities than actual living quarters, and we'll see some actual steampunk areas in the deepest reaches of these new ruins. Of course at the same time, the Dwemer ruins in Morrowind had desks and beds (something the Ayleid counterparts in Oblivion sorely lacked) so the metal structures still have merit as settlements.

What I'm curious about is just how out of place the Centurions would probably look in this setting. :shrug:
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:06 am

so let me get this stright - alot of people are annoyed cause the dwemer ruins are diffrent in skyrim than morrowind?

We have only one outside picture of the style of building used - whats to say that they dont have dwemer tech inside? (i.e lights and pipes?)

Our world has lots of diffrent building styles and yet on the inside they all mostly have same tech (tv, lights, electric wires etc...)

Also in the picture in the bottom left and the middle let the stone buildings look similar to carved stone buildings in Morrowind.

I just dont see the point in getting all pissed off with something when the game hasnt been released yet. How do you know that they havnt done it to improve on the feel and style of the game?

I think the screenshot looks great - so it hits two things with me: 1) dwemer ruins are back. 2)it looks great!

so ermm wheres the problem?
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:13 am

so ermm wheres the problem?

It doesn't look that great, it looks a bit generic and DND/tolkien-ised. Nowhere near as unique as the Dwemer architecture of Morrowind. I agree that we really shouldn't be jumping to conclusions after just one screenshot though.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:59 am

Perhaps lore wise dwarves morrowind cities were made not only of metal because they found ways to make it last for so long but also for the steam power they used and of course in a medevil setting metal is hard to mass produce in those kind of quantities so there is a certain "look how great our race is compared to the other inferior races" a way to suport this is the ways the ayleids treated the humans meanwhile living in gorgeous stone cities with advanced magicical works.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:43 pm

They could have kept some of the architectural style of the earlier buildings, just so we would recognize it as Dwemer. I'm not mad, but If this is what Dwemer architecture looks like in Skyrim, I can't say I'm not a little disappointed. It's too early to tell, really. We're only seeing one example here. The Dwemer are pretty damned unique as far as Dwarfish races go; I hope they keep them that way.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:42 am

With their budget and the amount I'll pay for the game I expect some fresh artistic ideas. Lore friendly or not, it doesn't mean a thing to me. Shouldn't mean much to them, either, everything they do just gets compared to Morrowind anyway. They aren't re-making Morrowind for that matter, either, it's Skyrim. It's a completely different place. I mean, you can't expect them to just recycle the same ruins every game. I'm surprised there's Dwemer stuff at all, even if the oh-so-important holy lore does decree that its plausible.
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Matt Fletcher
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