Alright, this is my first mod i am very proud of it, basically what this is though is a watered down version of Jessie/Kelsey Companion but with my female Character Kat. Even though it is a watered down version i'm very proud of it like i've mentioned and wanted to share this with you guys
Credits (maybe this should go last but i really want to thank these guys for their support)
-Bethesda for Fallout 3 and the GECK
-luix_luix for the sin saved game character, that is where Kat's Face Gen Data came from (and why she looks so good :wink_smile: )
-weijiesen for the meshes and textures i used to make her weapon and also for making one of the greatest mods of all time EVE
-sin7188 for tailor maid, i gave Kat the Metal Spad with the Merc Adv Outfit
-and last but certainly not least Loxy38 for Kelsey's SCRIPT which i used ( I would have been totally lost if it wasn't for Kelsey)
Story- BackGround (where she came from ect)
She Sells Stuff (when she is waiting or fired)
She Repairs Gear
You can set her a Home and tell her to wait there
Teleport HoloTape (she gets lost, equip her holotape and she spawns next to you)
I am Testing her right now, she will be on Nexus I hope by Friday
Conflicts/ Issues so far
None right now, i'm about to test her with EVE to see if they Conflict but i really doubt it
Tools Used
The GECK of Course
Scanti's Face Gen Exchanger
Fallout 3 Edit
Kelsey Companion Mod as an Example