Think its worth buying Oblivion for the PC?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:54 am

Yeup. So after playing for years on the 360 and loving it, Im thinking about purchasing the GOTY PC version, simply for the mods and replayability. Do you guys feel that its worth purchasing the game solely for the mods? Think it will provide sufficient gameplay value?

Note: The only reason I am even considering this is because Im kinda going through a game drought and I am horribly bored with every game I have.

Thanks for any feedback :user:
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Da Missz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:30 pm

Mate,I can assure you that oblivion played on pc is something amazing! You can correct lots of bugs that bethesda have not fixed,you can customize your game as you like(at least I think there are so many mods that can satisfy everyone taste),you can make your oblivion even better graphically and you can enhance your gameplay! Yes mate,buy it.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:02 pm

Yeup. So after playing for years on the 360 and loving it, Im thinking about purchasing the GOTY PC version, simply for the mods and replayability. Do you guys feel that its worth purchasing the game solely for the mods? Think it will provide sufficient gameplay value?

Note: The only reason I am even considering this is because Im kinda going through a game drought and I am horribly bored with every game I have.

Thanks for any feedback :user:

I have oblivion for the 360 and PC so yes it is totally worth it. Patches,mods get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:49 am

Alrighty then. I'll be heading to my local Gamestop to pick it up tomorrow. Thanks for the replies :thumbsup:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:10 am

Alrighty then. I'll be heading to my local Gamestop to pick it up tomorrow. Thanks for the replies :thumbsup:

You will love the console commands.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:23 am

You will love the console commands.

I'm sure I will have a lot of learning to do about modding but It'll be worth it.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:07 am

I play both on a regular basis. I'm not computer savy enough to mod on the Steam version so I play vanilla on both. But at 76 hours and not even starting on the main quest or expansion or dlcs I think I'm enjoying myself.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:01 am

I'm sort of late responding to this, but my two-cents worth...

So long as you have a computer capable of running Oblivion with at lease console-quality graphics, then why not? PC GOTY is only $20. At that price you almost can't go wrong.

If you have the patience to learn how to "properly" install mods, then by all means go PC. At the very least the various unofficial patches and their supplementals will go far to correct a great many bugs in the "vanilla" game. Beyond that, you can alter the game most anyway you want via mods. You can correct most perceived weaknesses, whatever those might be. You can make the game more challenging or less challenging. You can alter the graphics in any number of ways. You can add mods that make the game feel more "realistic" or conversely more fantastical. You can add cities, quests, whole provinces, new gear, companions, and so on. I've been playing the game on PC for almost two years now, and still come upon mods that greatly enhance the game world.

If you do go PC and get in to modding the game, take your time. Learn the basics...which utilities you need (there are several), and how to install them. Once those are in place think of a few things about the game you feel are lacking, and search Nexus for mods that remedy them. (Or post inquiries in our mods forum here.) Go slow. Add only a few mods at a time, especially until you get the feel for it and are comfortable with the process. There's a bit of a learning curve, but it's not that bad, and once mastered make mod management almost foolproof, barring the occasional "dirty" mod and unsolvable conflict. So long as you read mod documentation diligently and ask about things you don't understand, you'll be okay.

(NOTE: If using Windows Vista or 7, do NOT install the game in its default "Program Files" location. That's asking for trouble. Instead, install it somewhere like "C:\Games\Oblivion" or even on a different drive/paritition.)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:24 am

I'm sort of late responding to this, but my two-cents worth...

So long as you have a computer capable of running Oblivion with at lease console-quality graphics, then why not? PC GOTY is only $20. At that price you almost can't go wrong.

If you have the patience to learn how to "properly" install mods, then by all means go PC. At the very least the various unofficial patches and their supplementals will go far to correct a great many bugs in the "vanilla" game. Beyond that, you can alter the game most anyway you want via mods. You can correct most perceived weaknesses, whatever those might be. You can make the game more challenging or less challenging. You can alter the graphics in any number of ways. You can add mods that make the game feel more "realistic" or conversely more fantastical. You can add cities, quests, whole provinces, new gear, companions, and so on. I've been playing the game on PC for almost two years now, and still come upon mods that greatly enhance the game world.

If you do go PC and get in to modding the game, take your time. Learn the basics...which utilities you need (there are several), and how to install them. Once those are in place think of a few things about the game you feel are lacking, and search Nexus for mods that remedy them. (Or post inquiries in our mods forum here.) Go slow. Add only a few mods at a time, especially until you get the feel for it and are comfortable with the process. There's a bit of a learning curve, but it's not that bad, and once mastered make mod management almost foolproof, barring the occasional "dirty" mod and unsolvable conflict. So long as you read mod documentation diligently and ask about things you don't understand, you'll be okay.

(NOTE: If using Windows Vista or 7, do NOT install the game in its default "Program Files" location. That's asking for trouble. Instead, install it somewhere like "C:\Games\Oblivion" or even on a different drive/paritition.)

I have Oblivion installed in the default folder on my Windows 7 64 bit system.I read your post it's asking for trouble so should I uninstall it and make a new folder?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:35 am

I have Oblivion installed in the default folder on my Windows 7 64 bit system.I read your post it's asking for trouble so should I uninstall it and make a new folder?

I think its possible to disable UAC for certain folders, but if it was me I would just reinstall somewhere else and not worry about it anymore (especially if you plan on modding).
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