Stolen Ideas or Artistic Inspiration?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:46 am

Okay, so the thread got a bit out of hand, almost to the point of violence, so let's try to keep this at a civil debate on peoples perspectives on the use of a WIPs thread.

Some say it is not a good idea because others see it and then they release their mod and "get the first bite of the pie" instead of the one who came up with the idea.

Others state that it is a good idea because this shows progress to others and shows how teams function, and if someone takes a bit then oh well, it would have happened eventually anyways. "Ideas are not copywrited".

So, Simply talk about your thoughts on WIPs...are "taken" ideas stolen? or perhaps were they just inspired from the other? It may be a race, and life does serve the "first come, first serve" rule.

I honestly believe it is no big deal if someone took my idea and finished it before me. And if they get all the glory, then that is fine too. To me, modding is about having fun. Yes, I put deadlines on my stuff and rush it to get out if am about to hit that deadline to make sure it meets the time frame, but that is because without that time frame I would not ever complete a mod. So, though it sounds I mod to serve the people, I don't. I mod for myself, I make my mods how I envisioned them (or as close as I can). But maybe some of you don't do that (nothing wrong with that either). Nonetheless, mods are free game to be made and remade as anyone sees fit. Sure it some of you may not like it that the idea was taken, but unfortunately, that is life.

Anyways, off my views of it (and besides, I don't feel liek I am able to present my thoughts well enough right now, so that probably made no sense to you guys).

EDIT: oh I don't think I made this point obvious enough:
This is an expression of PERSONAL opinions, I know sometimes it's hard for people to agree with some opionions (I am a victim of it myself, it's human nature) and so if this topic is something hard for you to agree with someone's else's opinion, or cannot tolerate their response, then please leave this thread as well.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:12 am

I do not feel that Taking an Idea is stealing it, There are many mods that are alike. something can only be "stolen" if it is owned by someone. I can see it from both sides though, people dedicate months even years into a mod having it taken from them would be a real hit to the pride.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:38 am

Ha I just made a thread about this very topic!

How dare you steal my idea :laugh:

I see no problems with taking someones idea and altering it to suit my needs. I've never really done it before, but I would consider it if I ever saw a great idea that I thought I could achieve.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:06 am

I do not feel that Taking an Idea is stealing it, There are many mods that are alike. something can only be "stolen" if it is owned by someone. I can see it from both sides though, people dedicate months even years into a mod having it taken from them would be a real hit to the pride.

agreed. Sure if you spend months and years into perfecting an idea, mapping it out, and the least important part: making the idea go from inside your head into (virtual) reality, then it would be a touch frustrating that someone releases a mod of the same value before yours.

But, I have been told many times before when i get ideas for a mod: "If you want it done right, do it yourself". Impatience can motivate someone more than you think, and I would imagine, those who are impatient and have the drive to make whatever large mod is still in WIPs their own -and to their liking - then they will do it.
I see mods in WIPs alot that tell in detail how it works, and I love their concepts, but there are often things I dislike. If I held the knowledge to beable to make the same mod, then personal feelings of the modder would not hold me back to make my own version.

Ofcourse, there will never be an exact perfect repeat, even if the idea is taken. Especially in WIPs, the person cannot take the mod that is already finish, take scripts, NPCs and so forth, and slap them on to their own mod. They have to spend just as much time and effort as the other did to make from - nearly - scratch and build up to how they like it. So is it "taken" or is it actually something completely new, but inspired by someone else?
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:20 pm

Just to generalize pointlessly...there's no such thing as "Artistic Inspiration". Everything is a stolen idea from somebody.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:05 pm

Just to generalize pointlessly...there's no such thing as "Artistic Inspiration". Everything is a stolen idea from somebody.

Yeah that was my point also in the previous thread.

All games, movies, music etc are based on someone elses idea/work and altered.

I don't see why ideas are so closely guarded in the creative business where as a sports coach will gladly help other coaches improve their workouts etc.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:04 pm

We are not allowing this thread after the WIPZ thread went downhill. Don't start another.
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