We have collected over 5000 mods that are generally not available anywhere else. These are older plugins, previous versions of some, vast collections from now-defunct modding sites. We really have some incredible and lesser-known gems!
A major upcoming change is that we will soon have a dedicated domain, and a semi-dedicated server!
I have thought about burning all these mods on a set of DVDs and offer them for sale to the community at the cost of the DVDs, the shipping, and maybe $1-$2 extra to help offset the cost of the domain and website hosting. I don't anticipate making much money at all from this, I would really only expect to sell a handful of them. My concern is that I don't quite know how this jives with the concept of not selling mods commercially. I don't think this constitutes a commercial venture in any way, though some may disagree. And as always, I don't want to do anything to offend any of the modders who have created these treasures we have been entrusted with.
So I am hoping to get some feedback on this from the community; see if anybody would find this to be a worthwhile venture.
Thanks for all you do here!