WHAT kind of creature would you put in fallout V1

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:53 am

Creature Name:
Spawn Location:
How was it created:
Drawing: (if you would like to supply one.)

Creature Name: Clawhuman
Description: A human-deathclaw hybrid
SPECIAL: I will post this up later.
Spawn Location: Quarry Jungle in NV, and most deathclaw areas in NV, and the DC ruins in FO3.
Quest: one, in NV, where you find one that speaks and trys to help you complete a quest, also can be recruited as campanion after passing a speech-check.
Legendary: Yes.
How it was created: Just mutated in to that form, via radiation exposure and FEV.
Drawing: None, at the moment.
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Solène We
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:48 pm

The name kind of suggests that the Deathclaw (a genetically engineered Jackson's Chameleon) somehow merged with a human, but if its only ability similar to a human is that it speaks, isn't it just a http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Talking_deathclaw?
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Matt Bee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:14 am

You're going to think this is stupid and you may ( wrongfully ) accuse me of smoking something, but I would put into the game:

Lion-putas: half lion, half puta ( not as a joke )

A mutated mountain lion species that has learned to express through language and adopted the human prosttute culture, imitating their calls, struts, and clothing in a mistaken form of owning their territory. It's believed that they were capable of basic communication by the time they mingled with civilization, but more complex expressions like metaphors and parables ( and math ) were taught to them by the humans they had contact with, who were mostly the women of the slavers. They don't like to live among humans after they were forced to serve slavers the hard lesson that Lion-putas will not be subordinate in captivity. It's best that they prefer to live a respectful distance from towns, because they are not bothered in the slightest with foul, descriptive language and their presence would easily inspire bickering over indecency. Fortunately, Lion-putas understand and respect this and don't mind at all to be called savages.

Their egos were served well when they discovered that there was a time when humans once called them king of the jungle.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:48 am


FEV has changed the decendants of these once great beasts (sharks) into form not unlike their evolutionary ancestors. The first you usually see of these great creatures is the *back* of their teeth.

Special: Don't ask.
Spawn Location: Just offshore any shore - It is the new king of the ocean and has spread worldwide.
Quest: The Shi of San Francisco are starving - the fishermen are no longer able to fish the bay on their improvised fisherboats as a neo-megalodon has taken residence in the bay and prefers human flesh to fish. The shi can block off the bay to prevent future incursions, but getting rid of the current one has proven a challenge.... Are you up to it?

How it was created: The destruction of the oil rig was not without consequence, something had to happen to the noxious chemicals and biological agents stored onboard, the most visual of these was the smog haze that enveloped San Fran for a few weeks after the chosen one's victory; but it was what was below the waterline that has had the most lasting effect... a number of great white sharks, attracted by the flesh of the former enclave citizens became infected during a feeding frenzy.

The FEV has had the opposite effect to a shark's fertility and life expectancy than a human - it has made them hyper-fertile in their adolescent years allowing for a massive early population growth; however this fertility fades very quickly and reduces their advlt life allowing them to become dominant but preventing them completely taking over the seas. They also remain biologically compatible with other sharks, allowing a lone Neo-Megaladon in an area with regular great white sharks to breed more of its kind.

In a few short years the Neo-Megaladon has spread to every part of the ocean, except the persian gulf and red sea (which even today remains too poluted thanks to the europe-middle east war to sustain life.
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Anne marie
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:30 am

We have a thread for FO VI suggestions http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1178163-fallout-4-speculations-suggestions-and-ideas/.

You're going to think this is stupid and you may ( wrongfully ) accuse me of smoking something, but I would put into the game:

Lion-putas: half lion, half puta ( not as a joke )

Yeah, not appropriate.
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laila hassan
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