I need an environment where my acheivements are recognised and not immediately passed off as someone elses or some movies or some whatevers idea originally. Where if I come up with something original to my mod and something I am proud of that that acheivement is acknowledged, not belittled. I dont need adoration, just some encouragment and credit for my hard work.
It boils down to experience and temperament. No one is saying that people shouldn't be given credit for their ideas and work, only that it doesn't do to worry about it too much.
People who work hard and do good work will always garner credit and respect in spite of the predations of others. Does anyone honestly believe that SaidenStorm, TalkieToaster, Wrye, and dozens of other notable modders are suffering from a lack of street cred? (Seriously, someone argue this point.

) I have seen a hundred of my own ideas duplicated by others over the years, not because they copied my work, but because many people tend to have the same ideas around the same time. You see this all the time in movies, music, writing, etc. Some of this may be outright plagiarism, but 90% of it (at least) is people having similar experiences at similar times in response to experiencing similar sources of inspiration. This is just the way creativity works in a culture where new ideas and works of art are available almost immediately to everyone.
It's almost impossible to ascribe blame to anyone in this kind of environment, so it's pointless (in my mind) to worry about it; and you really only need to worry about whether or not people are stealing your ideas if you have the mistaken belief that you might run out of them. (I can't possibly give away all of my ideas, so if anyone is looking to 'plagiarize' me I'd be happy to assist them.

) No one here is making any money off of their work, so if someone 'steals' your idea just move on to the next one. Being 'jealous' about your work is a sure-fire way to attract needless suffering. (If you don't believe me, ask any of the modders who are concerned about this. There is much gnashing of teeth in certain quarters, I assure you.

I am all for encouraging new modders and complimenting them on their drive, initiative, talent, and originality and there is absolutely 0 reason (again, in my mind) for anyone to be concerned at all about this issue. Do you work, squeeze your ideas for all they're worth and have faith in yourself. You think Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Mozart, da Vinci, etc., didn't have plagiarists and imitaters? Does anyone remember them? Do your work and trust the process and time and creativity will take care of the details.