[SURVEY] tejón's Racial Adjustment Package (TRAP)

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:05 pm

This is primarily a poll for existing users of my http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26216 mod. Interested non-users are free to comment, but probably shouldn't fill out the survey without actually trying it out first.

I'd like your feedback and input! In addition to the quick survey above, I would love to hear in-depth commentary, positive or negative, on all of the races. The last version of TRAP has had ample time to sink in and I want to hear what really works, what really doesn't, what's exciting and what falls flat.

This is not a thread for bug reports! Please post those in my http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1049541-relzwipz-tejons-thread-o-mods/. If you're interested in more info about this mod, you should also check there.

There is a sister thread for Birthsigns Expanded, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1088437-survey-birthsigns-expanded/.

(Edit: Wood elves added, d'oh.)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:58 pm

Bosmer/Wood Elves are missing from both polls.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:25 am

Whoops! Fixed.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:47 pm

I need to try out your mod first, but I'll be back to take the survey. :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:10 am

I've played with this for about a week and love the Bosmer tweaks you've done. Following the other thread you posted, I tried to get rid of the green smoke/sound effects surrounding invisibility, but they involved going into MS' command prompt, and I have no clue how to do this (or how to launch the Construction Set using OBSE). I know how to launch the command prompt, but that's about it. So I took the lazy man's way out and edited the sound effects so that they're barely audible. The green cloud is still there, but I think I can live with that.

And Duke's Script Silencer mod didn't work with this issue. I put it last in my mod loading order and was disappointed to hear the result. :(

edit: finally found a tutorial online for OBSE and got the sounds to go away. Now to see if there's a green smoky cloud solution somewhere..
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:37 am

Now to see if there's a green smoky cloud solution somewhere..

Make sure you have loaded the main Oblivion.esm data, either by itself or by loading another mod.
Gameplay -> Magic Effects. In the magic effects window, select INVI in the list on the left.
Near the middle of the right hand side you should see a button currently labeled: "MagicEffects\invisibility.NIF"
Click that button, and it will pop up a file selector. Click Cancel. The button's label should now be: "Add NIF File"
That takes care of the cloud; to kill the glow, find the Light drop-down just below and set it to NONE (top of the list).

Now, the downsides. :) First, this will of course affect every Invisibility spell/effect in the game. Second, it will conflict with any other mods which edit invisibility; whichever loads last will erase the changes of the other. (I don't know enough about Bash to say for certain whether it can resolve this.) So if you use a magic overhaul such as Supreme Magicka, LAME or MagLite, I recommend either making this edit in that mod, or copying out its INVI record with TES4Edit and creating a new "patch" mod that contains only this change.

So how unpopular is that effect? I added the sound because in very dark places you can't always see yourself vanish, and I thought it would be nice to have an audio cue to know that you are, in fact, fully hidden. More distracting than it's worth? Would a more subtle sound be better, or should it just go?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:52 am


TRAP... let's see.

I never used this. It came out after I had my old character well under way and I was, myself, quite heading out the door towards Fallout 3 or something.

For my new playthrough, I did consider it though. Since you're back now, I might revise my decision because, initially, I went for RBP. Why? Well, the fact the TRAP as in "alpha" was one thing. Secondly, I needed some sort of cosmetic pack and RPB doesn't allow (as far as I know) the installation of only the "decorative" stuff. Thirdly, I wanted a more radical change on vanilla's magic system so I picked LAME over MagLite and that kind of tipped it over that way.

I do admit though, that from a strict one on one point of view, I would be at a loss as to which one to pick.

So, having said that, I have a couple of things unclear about TRAP. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask.

Powers:  Deep Magicka  on self, instant	Restore Magicka X	  X = racial Magicka bonus

This one is for the High Elf - why do you have an "X" there? I mean, isn't the High Elf's racial Magicka bonus a constant? And what is it?

Abilities:  50% Resistance to Fire  50% of current lost Health	is added to base Magicka

This is the Dunmer - does this mean the as the Dunmer takes damage, his Magicka increases by half that? Why "base Magicka"?

Last question - all powers are Lesser or Greater?

Overall, the changes you made for TRAP are a lot less radical than those for B.E. I'm sure it was by design, but I'm uncertain if this is a good thing. The races that sound best are probably the Bosmer and the Orsimer. They all do seem quite interesting, to be honest. It's definitely an increase in power, but since it's across the board, that comes in as a welcome addition.

The Dunmer's power is the least of my favourites, and slapped on my favourite race. I do tend to play a non-magicka focused character most of the time, usually stealth based, and the fact that both TRAP and RPB add caster-like bonuses to them is something I've frowned upon in the past. It is just a matter of personal preference though.

Again, I shall return with news and glorious ideas, should I have any.


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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:38 pm

Well, the fact the TRAP as in "alpha" was one thing.

Heh, that's just because I never bothered to update its status. I do that a lot. Stupid documentation... ;) I'm extremely wary about giving people the idea that there shouldn't be bugs in something, just in case there are and they get pissed off! But I'm not aware of any outstanding issues in the last version, particularly since OBSE v0018 went stable.

Secondly, I needed some sort of cosmetic pack and RPB doesn't allow (as far as I know) the installation of only the "decorative" stuff.

Learning enough about Bash to at least properly tag this for merging with cosmetic mods is on my 6-month-old to-do list, thanks for reminding me of that.

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask.

Nah... bug reports are off-topic, but clarification on what the races do fits pretty well I think. :)

Powers:  Deep Magicka  on self, instant	Restore Magicka X	  X = racial Magicka bonus

This one is for the High Elf - why do you have an "X" there? I mean, isn't the High Elf's racial Magicka bonus a constant? And what is it?

Abilities:  Base Magicka increased by    2x highest base attribute

Nope, no longer constant! Basically, it scales with your overall power as a character, whatever path you've chosen.

Abilities:  50% of current lost Health	is added to base Magicka

This is the Dunmer - does this mean the as the Dunmer takes damage, his Magicka increases by half that? Why "base Magicka"?

Yes... for every 2 points of damage you take, you gain 1 point Magicka pool size. This is slightly tricky because your available Magicka increases in ratio to your total pool: if you're at 50% Magicka and take 20 points of damage, your pool size will increase by 10, but your current Magicka will only increase by 5.

Dunmer lore strongly supports a unified mixture of martial and magical technique, and I wanted to encourage that; but frankly, the core game mechanics encourage that too, and I wanted dunmer to feel notably different in their execution. So where others generally do best opening with a salvo of magic and mopping up with a blade, dunmer magic is strongest if they hold back until after they've already engaged the enemy and taken a few knocks. This will yield different combat strategy and spell selection than other races use, which nicely fits their racial stereotype of "doing things kinda weird."

Last question - all powers are Lesser or Greater?

Greater. (In the CS, there's no such thing as a greater power; it's Power and Lesser Power. Documentation for TRAP is far more alpha than the mod itself!)
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