1. I've never seen Enclave as anything but evil but I do consider Master to be a good guy with a noble plan.
So yes, while he wanted humanity gone he wanted it for a good reason and I fully support him. (If only he would have sticked to his plan and developed a cure for the sterility.

Well I guess I viewed the Master as someone who was meant to be an explicit Nazi EXPY. "Give birth to the Master Race RACE!
RAAAACE!" and all. He struck me as something of a card carrying villain with his big Lovecraftian Bio-Organic Cathedral and only the fact that the Super Mutants (who were pretty much the Orks of Fallout 1) were so damn funny made his efforts less frightening.
He was damn cool, though. COOL!
COOOOL!2. I've forgotten some FO3 lore, do we have any lore or canon stating that the nukes dropped over DC were neutron bombs?
No, that was baseless fan speculation. I'm going to start a thread on it. It would explain a lot.
3. Seems like the classical rock greatist hits got remixed into trance songs.
To each their own.

4. Strange, I consider Legion to be the good guys while NCR is the bad guy while House is a good guy with a bad execution of his plans. (By the way, what's with the "greatist hits" thing?)
It was five a.m. Brain was shutting down. As for Caesar's Legion, I wanted very much to like them but they seemed to go out of their way to portray them as senseless jerks. I actually would have loved a GENUINE Neo-Roman Empire in fallout as opposed to Caesar's "Huns in Roman garb."
6. How so? Legion believes in restoring humanity by eliminating all the mutations in society and culture and by placing everyone under one banner in order to unify the wasteland. Way better plan than "Kill everything" that Enclave has going for them.
The Legion basically is creating a highly misogynist raider culture that pretty much exists solely to kill, destroy, and plunder in ever greater widening amounts. When they finally do kill the NCR then they've pretty much going to just have nothing built or reconstructed but a massive amount of bloodthirsty soldiers.
The Nazi Enclave (vs. Autumn's "Fascist Enclave") wants to eliminate all of the dangerous Wasteland monsters and start reseeding the Earth with non-mutated monsters that aren't trying to kill you every second.
It's probably WORSE but it strikes me as less CRAZY.
I guess he means either http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Brain or http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Keeng_Ra%27at. Neither of them have aything to do with any major, or even minor plotpoints, though.
Yes. I took Brain to be important though because he helped me put Vault City back on track.
Anyway, the worst bit of New Vegas I would say is the move in having development of civilisation, if following sequels continued that development then the post-nuclear apocalyptic scenario would eventually vanish ... and where would we go for a post-nuclear apocalyptic game then. No, New Vegas lost the plot in that respect.
... but they did say New Vegas is a spin-off ... Fallout 3 is the genuine Fallout.
I believe there's room for both, personally. After all, it's not like we can't just have some OTHER disasters occur in the future or play other portions of the timeline. At some point, Fallout would become ridiculous if it was like 1,000 or so after the War.
200 years is stretching it anyway.