Getting CS to remember Script Editor Font

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:00 pm

I know how to change the font for the script editor, but is there any way to get the CS to remember the change? I didn't find anything in the ini... If I'm not looking at the wrong thing, is there anything that can be added to the ini?

And if you don't know, you can change the font for the script editor by holding down F11 or F12 while clicking on the script editor icon. F11 brings up the font dialog and F12 sets it to a sans serif font that I can't remember right now :)
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:34 am

No, as far as I know.

Shademe is working on a that will cover that, among many other goodies.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:25 am

No, as far as I know.

Shademe is working on a that will cover that, among many other goodies.

Yeah, I participated in that thread :) Didn't think it was ShadeMe doing the work, but it was one of the Wrye or OBSE guys instead - he just hints at who it is. Anyway, I was hoping there was an "undocumented" option in the ini, but it doesn't look like it... Thanks for confirming!
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:31 am

No, as far as I know.

Shademe is working on a that will cover that, among many other goodies.
Someone's been pulling your leg, mate - I'm fairly certain that I haven't been trying to extend the CS. In the last week or so.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:11 am

Someone's been pulling your leg, mate - I'm fairly certain that I haven't been trying to extend the CS. In the last week or so.

Ah, but prior to that? :) That was a pretty active thread for a while, but I fear that whomever we were hoping to recruit to one look at that and headed for the hills!

Oh, and now we have a new request for our saviour: ability to set a font permanently ;)
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Miranda Taylor
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