I am complete noob concerning animations of all kinds. I did look into some tutorials, but even then the whole looks like gibberish to me.
What I would like to know is, if it is possible to make a candle animation, that would make the candle go on and off - not just the flame node, but also the glow map and the emitted light. I know this can be worked around in the CS with a small simple script, but it needs a script for every single candle in the mod and the numbers get gigantic over time. It also makes it impossible to have an undefined count of portable candles, which could be placed and then switched on and off. Simply said, it's possible for small projects, but completely useless for anything big.
I think this could be done, since there does exist an object with animation close to what I'd like and that is the evil stone (artraqevilstone01.nif). I tried to look at the animation in NifScope to see, how it works and looks like and soon ended up like this :banghead: I really don't get what is written there at all.
I would really love to learn making animations in Blender and NifScope (I am a bit better noob in those, but definitely very far from a pro). Unfortunately the tutorials I have seen so far are made for people somewhat more advanced in both, thus not much help for me. :unsure:
The light on the object is controlled in the CS no in the mesh.....so i dont think it would be possible ot animate the light part out...only the flame.
Even if you have an animation defined in the candle nif to swap textures, turn the light off etc. you'll still need a script to activate the on and off animations via PlayGroup. But everything can be contained in a single nif and a single script on the base object. You shouldn't need a separate script for each instance.
If you want the candles to be manipulated in two ways (turning them on and off, as well as picking them up and moving them) then you'll have to test for an extra key when they're activated, such as the control key. So if you activate while sneaking, you pick it up, otherwise you toggle the light (or vice versa).
1) That stones uses a NiMaterialColorController -> has absolutely nothing to do with lights.
2) on the same coin what Ghastly was talking about a NiFlipController also has zip to do with lights.
3) True Animated Lights are possible though Beth did not create a single one and I have yet to see anyone else do it and doubt anyone other then myself even knows how to.
4) This is impossible to do with just Blender ! as it is incapable of exporting ANY Controllers other then NiTransformControllers and it has very basic support for NiGeomMorphControllers, only the CivIV exporter can export animated Lights with the correct controllers which means only Max 6-8 users can do this -> kinda easily, setup by hand in NifScope while not difficult without any examples available I doubt anyone without experience in Game Based Animation would have even the slightest clue as to how to get either a NiLightDimmerController or NiLightColorController working, which by the way are the only two Light Controllers available to Oblivion or FO3.
5) Using Get/SetLightRadius is a very poor solution considering it works on Base References and will require a ton of counter scripting on every light object that it gets used on, Add/RemoveFlames does not effect the light effects at all so its only useful for objects that are set up to use FlameNodes (Not All Are), this leaves the OP's original problem of how to set up a light to be turned off without Direct Reference Scripting.
->1) You can use Parent/Child relationship to have a light a parent of the candle and just move the light up or down several thousand units so its radius no longer effects the scene (requires the light to be Dynamic), Depending on exactly how you go about this it may also require you to script two different objects if you want it to be carriable.
-->Upside, Only requires one set of scripts -> Downside requires every light to be properly setup for this parent/child relationship, not difficult just tedious.
->2) You can use OBSE Get/SetLightRadius in combination with Add/RemoveFlames and you also need to Disable/Enable the object for the changes to take effect.
-->Upside, It Works about the only thing I can think of because the Downsides svck -> Downside Get/SetLightRadius works on Base References meaning it alters this setting FOR EVERY version of that object requiring you to counter script for this effect and its still prone to failures where versions of the object are not defaulted to the correct state when you reload games which in turn requires you to make even more scripts to counter this annoying aspect of going this route.
->3) You can create True Animated Lights.
-->Upside, It can be animated to change colors, dim and move far more choices available to any of the other methods, also it works on individual references so no worries about altering Base Ref's or counterscripting, only requires one object/script -> Downside, you have to know how to animate this effect within NifSkope by hand or within Max (even with Max you still need to know how to do this in NifSkope because CivIV and Oblivion set up this effect differently so its not just an export = working situation).
There maybe other methods I am unaware of but after I started to use True Animated Lights I never went back to any other method as that method was vastly superior in every way to anything I have seen others do or anything I had done previously.