I am curious why we see the release of small patches for mods as opposed to having the fixes implemented in the original mod and re-released. Is this because permission for this has not been granted by the mod author?
As of late, I have seen some folks take on the task of moving landmasses and combining patches with the original mods (Wizards Island and Sea of Destiny to name two). It appears that this work has been greatly appreciated by the community as evidenced by the fresh attention on these great mods. There are still other greats that could use this same attention. A couple that come to mind include Havish and BlackMill. Is there a tutorial out there to walk a layperson (such as myself) through the combining process? I would very much like to contribute and have reasonably good skills with many of the common utilities, but need some help walking through the process for the first time. I wonder if there are others out there in a similar place.
As people continue to bump their heads on the 255 mod limit and while the TR project continues their fantastic releases, it would seem that a group of people dedicated to combing through the content and tweaking and updating the excellent content already in existence would be useful. Another example of this that comes to mind involves older mods that provide NOM compatibility. Though the recent NOM release would not appear to 'break' these older mods, I would guess that the older mod might benefit from some of the new content. Is there a group dedicated to this type of activity?
Thanks for reading,