for a while now i had been toying with this idea, and eventually i starting working on it. Now, after testing i can safely say this mod is a possible release.
The Wriath Collector is a mod aimed at magic users, and a small attempt to add another layer of magic game play and in essence a type of ritual. So what does the mod do?
This mod adds the ability to gain powers from using the souls of a new crature the "wraith", via a dark altar. The Dark altar can be found in the dark a tower, a necromancer lair. ( the pervious owner is on top of the tower - a little dead

How does this work then?
The player traps a wraith soul just like any other creature, and as the wraith only has a soul point of 1, any soul gem can be used. Once you have a soul gem with the "wraith's soul" inside, take it to the dark altar wherer it will be "turned" into an ability. Each wraith soul grants the player a fortify magicka bounus 1pt and a weakness to magick bounus 1pt upto a maximum of 50 pts. So that means you can only use the dark altar 50 times to gain a +50 to magicka and +50 to weakness of magicka. However every 10 levels of the ritual, the palyer recives a 10% resist weapons bonus.
Wraith have been placed in all tomb levelled lists, and so can only be found in tombs. A levelled list merger is reconmened. However to get players started on the quest for power, i have handplaced 10 wraith ingame, locations are:
1- The dark tower ( on the roof)
2- Alas Ancestral Tomb
3- Drath Ancestral Tomb
4- Ebonheart, underground caves
5- Falas ancestral tomb
6- Addamasartus
7- Thalas Ancestral tomb
8- Vanus Ancestral Tomb
9- Helas Ancestral Tomb
10- Vivec, Foreign quarter tomb
Eventually i want to extened the 50max to 100, but i thought i might be too hard to find the wraith as they are in levelled lists.
What do you think? should i release it?