Why not upload them to GHF http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=56 subforum, so that someone there can take a look at them. :wink_smile:
Ah. Lack of version control is generally a bad thing. This method makes it easier to fork projects and things

It's always scary exposing your code to your peers! (grin).
I have always seeded generously

Im interested in some source code, but it won't do me any good right now. I just dont want the window of opportunity to close if you say "alright all done, no more sourcecode opportunity". I am attending school for computer programming and I am inexperienced with this but I want em.
The source codes that I want are celltoNIF and the utility for placing plants randomly (used in grass mod http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7762)
I will upload the Grass Generator or whatever I called it when I am back at home. The Cell to Nif program is already uploaded here
However, for both those projects the code is terrible. I mean really terrible. While they "work" (ish) they shouldn't be used as an example of how to write code. They were both hacked together on a deadline where code quality didn't matter (plus, when I wrote them I was a far worse programmer than I am now)
ps. mebbe escog, but I think the code is available on google code? Anyhow thank you for opportunity to see your sourcecode
I am 99% sure escog is up on google code. I think the code quality on that was slightly better. Maybe.