1. The mod adds multiple armor sets to the leveled loot lists instead of just heaping them onto a single merchant
2. The armor added is lore friendly -- no Altair armor, no "skimpy" armors
3. None of the stats are ridiculous (e.g., armor rating, durability, enchant points)
4. The armors aren't simply retextures; retextures with different names and stats are okay, however.
5. The armors look good (i.e., comparable to recent armor texture/mesh mods like Darknut's)
I like the idea behind H.E.L.L.U.V.A. Awesome Armor and Fliggerty's Armor Project, but the former has too many armors that aren't really lore friendly (and some look dated), and I can't find screens for the latter. Also, others people have complained that some of the armor in FAP has balance issues. I could always go into the CS and tweak stats/remove armors myself, but I'm not sure how to adjust leveled lists. Besides, I'd love to give my support to any modder that's already done the hard work for me

EDIT: I'm pretty happy with the default weapons, but if there's a good armor + weapons mod that suits my taste, I'll download with equal enthusiasm to a simple armor compilation