Oblivion is no longer an active project so we aren't going to see further developement work like this. Motion capture is also an unlikely prospect for a multi-platform title since the XBox 360 and PS3 have very different systems for this.
Yeah, pretty much what he said. Although, with Skyrim coming out at 11.11.11, hopefully there will be both Achievements and Trophies, although I wouldn't hold your breath for motion capture support.
darn, I was really looking forward to Bethesda taking action in response to my feedback.
Either you be trippin or trollin. No developer is going to act off what one person says. And for something like this, Oblivion development is long dead.
The game is completly perfect for me, ps3 users are frustrated because Xbox users has Archivements... so i think this update could include trophies for us! (There's is many eg. of Fallout 3 special content just for Xbox users >.<)