» Tue May 17, 2011 3:56 am
Not sure.
What I've noticed, however, is that you'll gain EXP when something dies only if you've done more than 50% of their total HP in damage. So, if a Raider has 100 HP, and you deal 55 points of damage to the raider, then you're gonna get EXP when the raider dies, be it from a NPC, Companion, or a car going nuclear.
If there is a mod that does this, then it probably changes how EXP is awarded- not only will you get EXP when your companion kills something, you're going to get EXP when a Giant Radscorpion and a Deathclaw duke it out, even if you stay out of the fight.
-EDIT- ah, beaten to it. And there is a mod that prevents companions from stealing XP, interesting...