Now Oblivion isn't a bad game, there is a nice (kinda) large world with many different quests to take, and people to see. My problem with it is, ya for a game 10 miles across is huge, but when you try to pretend there are 6 cities with a large imperial capitol in the middle it feels cramped and ridiculous. The story line was just childishly uninteresting. When I could see Bruma from somewhere near the Imperial City, I was hugely disappointed.
also,In Oblivion I spent hours (almost days) getting herbs together to make potions, afterward I wasn't siked, I was let down because I put hours of work bulding up this skill for nothing (alchemy is boring and there is little reward). In mount and blade I spent 2 hours building up a band of about 30 people into a decent leveled army and took part in a huge battle (about 200 on each side) for the first time I wasn't leading a battle or had a gods eye view of it, I was the left flank of a battle (that eventually broke and lost the battle, two hours isn't long enough.)