Sounds like a really complicated function! I think indexes are just so you can log changes, but I could be wrong.
I'd be happy to test it, and I've not got Gecko installed on this machine. Your call!

I thank you for the offer

Will be advertising for beta testers in the next few days on the mods forums for BladeSong, if your interested feel free to drop in there once the thread is up.
It changes the mod index of the worldspace in the esp to 00 (same as Oblivion.esm). It doesn't change anything in Oblivion.esm itself. The user doesn't need to do anything.

Thanks Phitt. I really wasnt sure about the whole deal, and was concerned about not having something avaliable that was needed for users to properly play the mod.
The gecko team could probably explain it better, but that is kinda what happens. Move worldspaces tricks the game to acknowledge that worldspace as being part of the 00 index instead of the 01 or higher index based on where it is loaded. This is all saved within the .esp. The reason why this is needed is because the index that the worldspace is registered to MUST be the same as what the LOD files were created for. Before moving worldspaces was worked out, LOD meshes for new worldspaces could not be linked up with that worldspace without requiring a specific loading position for that mod.
Gotcha. I appreciate the info. Glad to see things were fixed, and at least it is reasonably doable now.
Thanks everyone for the responses. :tops: