Arial movement and falling damage!

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:02 am

Just trying to get into modding the game for my own enjoyment, and having fun!

I started out trying to just tweak the physics so i can run faster and jump higher, and came up with something im calling my improved physics tweak. Basically it changes fjumpheightmin and fjumpheightmax, and fmoverunmult for more superjumping fun.

Im wondering, how the acrobatics skill is affected by fjumpheightmin. Does it scale? I just dont want to have to make a new mod for when i get my acro skill up to 100 or 255 or something. I want one multipuropose mod i can enable from a new game. I have a good start im just newer at modding so im not sure what affects what all the time. Plus i havent found so much discussion on the wiki about jumping in general or super jumping.

The other thing im looking for is to figure out which settings affect my airborne movement speed so i can cruise through the air. Not flying just having an increased movement rate while holding forward or sideways while in the air.

So im looking for a airborne movement setting, a setting which controls falling damage, and something that controls how many times you can train a skill per level.

Im really hoping people are friendlier here than at the oblivion nexus....I cant even get a response there. Hoping to find a fun friendly community to bounce ideas off of, so if i have or havent found that, please some one let me know so i can either dig in and make myself useful, or go elsewhere to find some people that are passionate about modding this game and willing to help out a newbie modder.



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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 am

  • Airborne movement is controlled by Athletics (It scales with movement speed in general). While the player is in the air, and governs air control, also.
  •; like most of those jump related settings; DOES scale with Acrobatics. Check out page for more info. The formula that is used is JumpHeight = fJumpHeightMin + (fJumpHeightMax - fJumpHeightMin) * Acrobatics / 100.
  • Damage-on-impact is governed by and (less so)
  • The setting that controls how many skills are needed per level up is

I hope that helped! If you need to find any more jump related settings, jump over; and to find any other settings, you can just use Ctrl + F on comprehensive list of them all (If they're in red, there's no information about them on the wiki at this time).

Just a small word of advice though; please don't use such an annoying font and color. It hurts my eyes! The normal font and color is normally the best choice. ;)
These forums are - in general - really useful and friendly. Obviously, there are some people that don't conform to that rule, but just rise above them. People here are always happy to help a newbie. Modding's something everyone here shares and enjoys, so don't feel afraid to ask any question!

Good luck!
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 am

  • Airborne movement is controlled by Athletics (It scales with movement speed in general). While the player is in the air, and governs air control, also.
  •; like most of those jump related settings; DOES scale with Acrobatics. Check out page for more info. The formula that is used is JumpHeight = fJumpHeightMin + (fJumpHeightMax - fJumpHeightMin) * Acrobatics / 100.
  • Damage-on-impact is governed by and (less so)
  • The setting that controls how many skills are needed per level up is

I hope that helped! If you need to find any more jump related settings, jump over; and to find any other settings, you can just use Ctrl + F on comprehensive list of them all (If they're in red, there's no information about them on the wiki at this time).

Just a small word of advice though; please don't use such an annoying font and color. It hurts my eyes! The normal font and color is normally the best choice. ;)
These forums are - in general - really useful and friendly. Obviously, there are some people that don't conform to that rule, but just rise above them. People here are always happy to help a newbie. Modding's something everyone here shares and enjoys, so don't feel afraid to ask any question!

Good luck!

aww but i likes the yellows so much. Oh well i guess i can live without it till i find a less offensive color!

Thank you SOO much! I really appreciate the fact that you answered me at all! In fact i've now favorited this page and im sure you guys will hear more from me when i run into more snags.
Your info helps a TON with my physics tweak. It will really help me figure out my jumping. right now i have my fjumpmin and max set really high... like 220 and 500. As for the fall damage part, im just trying to negate ALL fall damage. I tried setting my fjumpfalltimemult and my fjumpfallskillmult to zero but so far that wasn't it. All i found on the wikki about that is how to negate all damage at certain skill levels, not how to negate it completely.

I did find the wikki to be quite useful to figure out what settings do what. I started out with FO3 though, so its just a tiny bit backwards and i have to retrain myself.

Basically what im trying to do with my improved physics mod, is to make it so i can start a new game and be able to train athletics and acrobatics all the way up between levels one and two. Then i can set my fjump and fmove stuff.
Its for what im referring to as my super hero mod. Basically adding an enormous jump and movement speed about as fast or a little slower than a guard can run. This is all so i can cruise around without a horse or quick travel sort of bounding from place to place like the hullk.
I get this from my TES3 days glitching out on the xbox and jumping half a continent on morrowind. Lots of work to do still tweaking things but i find myself full of hopefullness now!
thanks again!

EDIT: Some one point me in the direction of how to change the ingame acrobatics skill cap so i can train it passed 100 all the way up to 255? i been looking around a bit for that one on the google and wikki and so far i haven't found it. ty XD
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 am

I've got a feeling that editing the maximum level for being a Master of something may raise the cap. Don't hold me to that though. Fiddle around with and see what happens, is all I can suggest for that one!

I seem to remember being able to stop taking any damage from falling, but I can't remember how. It was definitely a setting. Try setting all of,,, and to 0. I think that should do the trick!

If you want to be able to move faster than the guard, you might also want to play with the Be careful though, because I think guards are counted as Char's, not Creatures. Still worth a try though!

Good luck with your mod though, sounds good! Sorry for the late reply, too.

EDIT: It was more the font than the colour that was annoying me. A fair few people like to post in green or red. Adds an individual flair to each post, I'd imagine. ;)
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