- Airborne movement is controlled by Athletics (It scales with movement speed in general). While the player is in the air, http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/FJumpMoveBase and http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/FJumpMoveMult governs air control, also.
- http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/FJumpHeightMin; like most of those jump related settings; DOES scale with Acrobatics. Check out http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Acrobatics page for more info. The formula that is used is JumpHeight = fJumpHeightMin + (fJumpHeightMax - fJumpHeightMin) * Acrobatics / 100.
- Damage-on-impact is governed by http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/FJumpFallTimeMult and (less so) http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/FJumpFallSkillMult
- The setting that controls how many skills are needed per level up is http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/ILevelUpSkillCount
I hope that helped! If you need to find any more jump related settings, jump over http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Jumping; and to find any other settings, you can just use Ctrl + F on http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Settings comprehensive list of them all (If they're in red, there's no information about them on the wiki at this time).
Just a small word of advice though; please don't use such an
annoying font and color. It hurts my eyes! The normal font and color is normally the best choice.

These forums are - in general - really useful and friendly. Obviously, there are some people that don't conform to that rule, but just rise above them. People here are always happy to help a newbie. Modding's something everyone here shares and enjoys, so don't feel afraid to ask any question!
Good luck!
aww but i likes the yellows so much. Oh well i guess i can live without it till i find a less offensive color!
Thank you SOO much! I really appreciate the fact that you answered me at all! In fact i've now favorited this page and im sure you guys will hear more from me when i run into more snags.
Your info helps a TON with my physics tweak. It will really help me figure out my jumping. right now i have my fjumpmin and max set really high... like 220 and 500. As for the fall damage part, im just trying to negate ALL fall damage. I tried setting my fjumpfalltimemult and my fjumpfallskillmult to zero but so far that wasn't it. All i found on the wikki about that is how to negate all damage at certain skill levels, not how to negate it completely.
I did find the wikki to be quite useful to figure out what settings do what. I started out with FO3 though, so its just a tiny bit backwards and i have to retrain myself.
Basically what im trying to do with my improved physics mod, is to make it so i can start a new game and be able to train athletics and acrobatics all the way up between levels one and two. Then i can set my fjump and fmove stuff.
Its for what im referring to as my super hero mod. Basically adding an enormous jump and movement speed about as fast or a little slower than a guard can run. This is all so i can cruise around without a horse or quick travel sort of bounding from place to place like the hullk.
I get this from my TES3 days glitching out on the xbox and jumping half a continent on morrowind. Lots of work to do still tweaking things but i find myself full of hopefullness now!
thanks again!
EDIT: Some one point me in the direction of how to change the ingame acrobatics skill cap so i can train it passed 100 all the way up to 255? i been looking around a bit for that one on the google and wikki and so far i haven't found it. ty XD