I cant complete this quest. When she asks me to bring her a baliwog for her to tame. She will cast that freeze spell on the baliwog and talk to me "thanks for bringing the baliwog lets go inside for your reward". However she does not go inside and just stands there next to the baliwog. If i talk to her "not now the spell may wear off any minute". If i use the wait function then the spell wears off and she kills it. But instead of asking for a new one she says "not now the spell may wear off any minute" Also the baliwog gets graphic glitched upon death and stretches out like rubber.
I tried to load an earlier save but no matter how i approach this quest, she gets stuck at "not now the spell may wear off any minute" I checked wiki in hope for a way around but, this bug is not even on the list.
edit: i tried it again a couple of times today. Still cant get her to pay me. At least the beliwog doesnt glitch anymore upon death