Just thought I'd throw this out to you guys. Do what you will with it, it's just a sphere, meant for spherical based textures, no need to credit me for it. The real credit should go to Dragon*Born, who gave me the instructions to make the blasted thing, so give him a big thanks.

Since I went through insanity making this, I wanted everyone else to be able to just download a sphere and not have to bother messing around making one, so, here it is.
EDIT: ARGH!! I just realized this isn't perfectly UVmapped, it is around the sides, but the tops are messed up, I redid it, the tops are less noticable, but still a bit messed, not much I can do though, from a technical standpoint, the map should be seamless, but there are seams at the top and bottom. Best you'll get for now though.
[DISCLAIMER]Please, PLEASE do NOT complain about 2shared, it's a fine download site and allows me to upload stuff without having to bother with maintaining an account or anything, I like that, so let's leave it there. Besides, I had told them about their download button being too small and they have since added a nice big blue one, so stop complaining, I don't want to hear it and I won't think twice to report anyone causing a ruckus.[/DISCLAIMER]