1. lol Yeah, you're right; it is iItems which is defined as a short. oItem is defined as a reference. I know, crappy variable naming on my part; I wasn't thinking about unitl I read your post.
2. I'll have to check how I'm doing this, but I think it's correct. oItem is a reference variable, so returning a value from the List should be ok, right?
3. Sorry, I didn't clarify. The List (yapmItemList) has 100 items in it. That was the first thing I checked because I thought that might be the case.
Hmm, I still have no idea how to make it work. Thanks anyway,
1. Is it iItem or iItems? you have both listed.
2. Short variables cannot hold hex values such as N as they function the same as INT variables. They also cannot hold alphanumeric letters like a FOSE string variable can. You'll need to find a workaround, or use numbers only and specify the results for each one.
3. GetRandomPercent returns numbers between 0 and 99. It will fail if your list doesn't have 100 items in it or a number higher than the last list entry is chosen. To get RND numbers between a minimum and maximum use the formula:
set VARIABLE to min + GetRandomPercent * (max-min) / 99