What Are The MUST Have Mods?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:20 am

Just comming back to Oblivion after a lengthy break.. What are some fun mods? Not trying to install too many! Thanks. :)
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:09 pm

Must have? Oblivion.esm!
Nice to have? Check here: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1010109-list-list-of-mod-lists/page__st__40__p__15831828__hl__azerbagb__fromsearch__1&#entry15831828
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:28 am

Oscuro′s Oblivion Overhaul (commonly known as OOO) is a good one. It makes the game more realistic and harder. Bandits wont have daedric armour anytime. Some new enemies too. It overhauls the levelling, skills, some birthsigns. It also adds lots of new enemies/friends in the game and if you for example help a boar fighting a minotaur then boars MAY become more friendly towards you (that works for some animals I have heard, I have never tried it myself though).
Enemies are more numerous and so are guards (atleast on the roads).

Be prepared to run in the first levels if you are the dungeon-dwelling type.
A fun mod.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:47 am

No idea what they might be, but I can list a few I'm almost certainly going to use this time around, in the vague hope that it's somehow useful to you (and/or possibly someone else) :

[ some of these are faves from months ago - when I was last playing - but who knows, as I'll be weighing up each mod before even thinking about installing any this time ]

Shivering Isles
Knights of the Nine
Horse Armour
Battlehorn Castle
FCOM (which is Fran's, OOO, MMM and WarCry) plus a few of its addons
Tamriel Travellers
DarkUId DarN
Menu Escape
Toggleable Quantity Prompt
A Takes All
Better Music System
PyFFIed Meshes for everything what needs 'em
Better Cities
UL (all)
Elsweyr, Deserts of Anequina (sp?)
All Natural

And about two hundred (or more) others that I can't reliably keep track of from memory.

edit: And, partly as a challenge really, I'll use BAIN as much as possible this time... or die trying. ;) I've even installed the CS and the rest. No mods, not even unofficial patches or DLC yet. Reading, reading (mainly about BAIN, go figure.)

one more edit for the road: Integration, too, while I remember it.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:54 am

i am freaking amazes no one has said MIDAS MAGIC yet! OR deadly reflex!!! midas magic requires lots of playing to figure otu how to get all the spells (the aurum incantatem and the other one midas sells is like, 1/4 of the spells you can get) and deadly reflex lets you cut dudes heads off and wrists cut and cut in half, the quest for the fighters guild when you protect that one store...lets just say when the owner came back he came back to intenstines and heads laying around LOL

also, if you're into amazing looking cities try getitng redbags imperial city pack, it adds onto the imperial city, but you need a fast computer to run it lol (also, you need approx 2 other mods to make it work correctly, it's said in the readme)

:obliviongate: Kyler :obliviongate:
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:37 am

I just started back to the game too. Here are some of the new things I found that I love:

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25876by Khettienna
Any of http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=29882's homes - Millstone Farm, Shadowcrest Vineyards, Clamshell Cottage - use the Cobl versions if you can - lots of crafting fun!

I also like Ziras Battle Horses.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:26 am


For me, aside from the Unofficial Official Patches, the answer to that question is all about your personal tastes.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:29 am

The only ones I've found to be essential no matter what are:

Unofficial Patches
Toggle Quantity Prompt
Stutter Remover
Hotkey improvement (Currently use SuperHotkey)

The ones I won't say are "essential", but I couldn't imagine living without:

Texture Replacer (I use Bomrets & Vibrant Textures)
Magic Overhaul (I use Less Annoying Magic Experience)
Weather System (I use All Natural)
Lighting Improvements (what comes with All Natural plus the Automatic Windows Lighting System)
House mod (Pick your poison, but I like Korana's as well)

Those are all the things I will never ever play Oblivion without, everything else I might not want to have but I'll drop it if needed.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:15 am

The only ones I've found to be essential no matter what are:

Unofficial Patches
Toggle Quantity Prompt
Stutter Remover
Hotkey improvement (Currently use SuperHotkey)

The ones I won't say are "essential", but I couldn't imagine living without:

Texture Replacer (I use Bomrets & Vibrant Textures)
Magic Overhaul (I use Less Annoying Magic Experience)
Weather System (I use All Natural)
Lighting Improvements (what comes with All Natural plus the Automatic Windows Lighting System)
House mod (Pick your poison, but I like Korana's as well)

Those are all the things I will never ever play Oblivion without, everything else I might not want to have but I'll drop it if needed.

I love this list. I cannot imagine playing without these modifications either...except for the house, and I use Supreme Magicka with LAME (SM given priority.)
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:14 am

The ones i don't play without are:
Unofficial patches
Darnified UI
Mart's Monster Mod
Stealth Overhaul
Supreme Magicka

Others i commonly use:
Race Balancing Project
Better Music System
All Natural
Animated Window Lighting System
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:32 am

No idea what they might be, but I can list a few I'm almost certainly going to use this time around, in the vague hope that it's somehow useful to you (and/or possibly someone else) :

[ some of these are faves from months ago - when I was last playing - but who knows, as I'll be weighing up each mod before even thinking about installing any this time ]

Shivering Isles
Knights of the Nine
Horse Armour
Battlehorn Castle
FCOM (which is Fran's, OOO, MMM and WarCry) plus a few of its addons
Tamriel Travellers
DarkUId DarN
Menu Escape
Toggleable Quantity Prompt
A Takes All
Better Music System
PyFFIed Meshes for everything what needs 'em
Better Cities
UL (all)
Elsweyr, Deserts of Anequina (sp?)
All Natural

And about two hundred (or more) others that I can't reliably keep track of from memory.

edit: And, partly as a challenge really, I'll use BAIN as much as possible this time... or die trying. ;) I've even installed the CS and the rest. No mods, not even unofficial patches or DLC yet. Reading, reading (mainly about BAIN, go figure.)

one more edit for the road: Integration, too, while I remember it.

If you are new to mods, FCOM, Better Cities (BC) and PyFFI are not recommended. They all require that you pay very close attention to the documentation. They are all great mods, but that list is quite a bit to jump on if you do not have much experience using mods.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:40 am

I love this list. I cannot imagine playing without these modifications either...except for the house, and I use Supreme Magicka with LAME (SM given priority.)

I know this is a bit off-topic, but what does that really get you? I've always used LAME because I use RBP and Integration, but I tried Supreme Magicka with it once, and I just didn't see the point. I mean I do like the extra customization you can do with Supreme Magicka, but is it really worth having both given the only advantage (as far as I know) is getting a few more spells when you use them together?
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:26 am

I do not use Supreme Magicka for new spells. If I really wanted "new" spells, I would download Midas Magic. I use SM because it is the most balanced, especially for my game. LAME's spells tend to last longer and cost less, but its added spells and modules are nice. Plus, I enjoy bg2408's work and am an avid RBP user. I also have Integration (but I have yet to play through it) and I had LAME long before I knew about that quest mod, which requires it. I try to keep my game as balanced as possible, adding very few mods that do not have MOBS or OMOBS-balancing that fits with FCOM. Most of the new items mods I use are clothing mods, for which that concern does not apply.

http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/lists/myloadorder <-- missing a few updates that came out this month
http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/lists/mybainlist <-- about...80% of these are installed, maybe...
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:39 am

If you are new to mods, FCOM, Better Cities (BC) and PyFFI are not recommended. They all require that you pay very close attention to the documentation. They are all great mods, but that list is quite a bit to jump on if you do not have much experience using mods.

Months ago, I had a perfectly working mod list that included most of those, but I am absolutely new to PyFFI (reading a fair bit about that, as well as BAIN, and Wrye Bash in general for that matter...)

It looked very pretty, and addressed most of the issues I had with the original game.

And when it comes to mods, I still feel as though I'm learning a lot as I go, and that I have so much still to learn. It's a bit intimidating, to be honest. But sites like yours certainly help, as well as some of the very knowledgable and helpful people around here. I'll see how it goes. But thanks for the warning - I'll keep an eye on that combination, to be sure. :)
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:27 pm

There is no way I can say it is impossible, and some may not find the task challenging at all. Rather, I just want to make sure that the warnings posted on their respective threads and TESNexus pages are not missed. It is nice to hear about users reading and learning more about the various mod utilities and enjoying it though. Honestly, using PyFFI is not very difficult at all, but you are doing real file modification there. Its installation and use are simpler than those mods I pointed out, however.

Happy gaming!
- Tomlong75210
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:20 pm


You'll also find some copy/pastes of top tens and "must haves" in post number 2
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:45 am

The only "must have" mods are the unofficial patches and maybe a UI mod. Everything else is up to personal preference. I wish people would stop suggesting OOO/FCOM to people that ask this question...
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Lori Joe
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:13 am

The only "must have" mods are the unofficial patches and maybe a UI mod. Everything else is up to personal preference. I wish people would stop suggesting OOO/FCOM to people that ask this question...

I never use the UOP nor an UI mod for that matter, so that isn't a "must have" either. :P To me OOO is a "must have", even though I run a heavily modified version of it to suit my tastes. Can't imagine playing without it.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:31 am

I wish people would stop suggesting OOO/FCOM to people that ask this question...

I think OOO is generally a good suggestion for people new to mods, you get vastly different gameplay in one easy to install package. FCOM on the other hand requires a bit more experience to tackle.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:28 pm

I am fine with the OOO rec. Why? One download, stable version is OMOD-ready, latest version is a simple package that requires no extra install effort, few optional plugins to mull over

Edit: UOP is a "must have" if you care about having a large number of Oblivion's bugs fixed. That was the reason why I first ventured into getting unofficial mods, all of the "fixed in UOP" notes on the UESPWiki pages.

http://baldurdash.org/TESOblivion/UOPFixList.html - Baldurdash
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