I use basically no mods except for my own, and my mod is last in my load order.
I set all my weapon projectiles to 0 tracer chance some time ago, and it works fine.
But recently i wanted to go back to tracers and even though i set tracer chance to 1.000 for every projectile i use, i cant seem to get the tracers to show up in game.
I thought it was a projectile speed thing so I messed around and set the speed back to vanilla speeds but still no tracers.
- is there something i'm missing, like a global tracer flag i might have set that i can 'un'set to show tracers again?
- does tracer settings somehow get stored in the save game, like console-set globals, and even by changing the ESP it wont change in-game?
I'm just looking for something to help me here.
I run archiveinvalidationinvalidated and other model changes like to weapons show up when i change them, so this is wierd.
Thanks for any help