Markers Missing from Local Map
The cell 3,3. If a mod alters ANYTHING at all in the cell 3,3 in any worldspace, the player's local map will stop showing the player marker and other markers on the local map. However, this local map error can also happen randomly when going through certain cells without any mods at all, but in this case it's only temporary. No fix is known for the latter bug.
This bug will also happen with cell 4,4 if uGridsToLoad is set higher than 5 in Oblivion.ini. However, since increasing uGridsToLoad causes other bugs as well, cell 4,4 should be considered safe to edit.
The cell 3,3. If a mod alters ANYTHING at all in the cell 3,3 in any worldspace, the player's local map will stop showing the player marker and other markers on the local map. However, this local map error can also happen randomly when going through certain cells without any mods at all, but in this case it's only temporary. No fix is known for the latter bug.
This bug will also happen with cell 4,4 if uGridsToLoad is set higher than 5 in Oblivion.ini. However, since increasing uGridsToLoad causes other bugs as well, cell 4,4 should be considered safe to edit.
My question is this: Does this occur with just esp files or do esm files have this problem too? Also, if an esp file creates a new world space does this bug occur still?
Thank you very much