Max script length

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:27 am

Is there a way to circumvent the max script length limitation in the CS?
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:16 am

Only the most obvious: split it.

But scripts should not grow that large in the first place and, usually, rethinking it and rewriting it with a different approach may help (moving repetitive pieces of code to a user function, maybe?)
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Marquis T
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:34 am

What do you mean "moving repetitive pieces of code to a user function"?
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:39 am

OBSE now allows you to create Function scripts the can "do something" with "something" and pass the result back to the main script.

From the OBSE Docs...
User-Defined Functions
OBSE allows scripters to define their own functions, which can be called from other scripts. When a function is called, script execution passes to the function and resumes after the function call when a return statement is encountered or execution reaches the end of the function script. Factoring commonly-used code out into a function prevents repetitious code and shortens scripts. Encapsulating complicated routines into stand-alone functions results in simplified, more readable code.

Functions are defined as Object scripts but are treated as a distinct type with special limitations. A function script can contain only one block. The name of the script is the name of the function. Function scripts should never be attached to any object. All variables in a function script must be declared before the function body.

A simple function script might look like:

ScriptName Multiply ; the name of this function
float arg1 ; holds an argument passed to the function
float arg2 ; second arg
float localVar ; a local variable
Begin Function {arg1, arg2} ; function body, with parameter list in {braces}
Let localVar := arg1 * arg2
SetFunctionValue localVar ; this is the value that will be returned
Return ; optional, causes the function to return immediately
EndParameters are stored in local variables and must be indicated within {braces} in the function definition; a set of empty braces indicates the function takes no arguments. Local variables and argument variables retain their values only until the function returns.

To call this function you would use:
Call Multiply 10 5

To store the result (50, in this case):
Let someVar := Call Multiply 10 5

When parsing a function call, the compiler will verify that the number and type of the arguments match those expected by the function's parameter list. If the called function is specified as a ref variable this validation cannot be performed; it is the scripter's responsibility to ensure the argument list is valid to avoid errors at run-time.

Functions have some useful properties. Because they are object scripts, you can call them on references using someRef.Call someFunc; any commands used inside the function will then operate implicitly on the calling reference. Because they are scripts, they can be stored in and called using ref variables, and even passed as arguments to other functions. Functions can call other functions, including themselves (i.e. recursively); for instance:

ScriptName Pow ; calculates base to the exp power
float base
short exp
short val
begin Function {base, exp}
if exp == 0
let val := 1
let val := base * Call Pow base, exp - 1
SetFunctionValue val
endOBSE allows a maximum of 30 nested function calls. This means the above function will only work with exponents less than 30.

A note about local variables within functions: when the function terminates, all local variables are reset to zero. Local array variables are automatically cleaned up so there is no need to use ar_Null to reset them. String variables used to hold function arguments are also automatically destroyed. Local string variables, however, are not automatically cleaned up because they may refer to strings in use by other scripts. It is the scripter's responsibility to use sv_Destruct to destroy any local variables when appropriate. The following example code illustrates this idea:

scn SomeFunction
string_var arg
string_var local0
string_var local1
string_var local2
Begin Function { arg }
let local0 := "some string"
set local1 to someQuest.someStringVar
let local2 := someQuest.someStringVar
sv_Destruct local0 local2
EndIn the above script, the string variable arg will be automatically cleaned up by OBSE when the function terminates. local1 will not be, and should not be destroyed explicitly because doing so would invalidate the someStringVar variable in an external script. local0, however, must be explicitly destroyed as it is not referenced by any other script. local2 must also be destroyed as let, unlike set, creates a copy of the string with a new string ID.

Function - a blocktype which precedes the body of a function. This blocktype is only valid within function scripts. A parameter list consisting of up to ten local variables used to hold arguments passed to the function must follow this keyword enclosed in curly braces; if the function takes no arguments the braces should be empty.

Begin Function {arg1, arg2, ... arg10}
; function body
EndSetFunctionValue - specifies the value to be returned from a function. Valid only within a Function block. If a function does not specify a return value, the return value is assumed to be numeric zero. If multiple calls to SetFunctionValue are processed within a single Function block, the most recent value specified will be returned.
(nothing) SetFunctionValue returnValue:expr

Call - calls a user-defined function. Should be followed by a list of arguments matching the types expected by the function. If a calling reference is specified, commands within the function body will operate on that reference. Call returns whatever value is returned by the function.
(returnValue:multi) ref.Call function:ref arg1:multi arg2:multi ... arg10:multi

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