Take for instance, the Mage's Guild quest at Silorn. Pursued by the undead and necromancers, I exit the ruins at highspeed and a few feet away, leap off the cliff, plunging into the lake below. A few seconds underwater and then I surface, swimming for the far shore.
The Dark Brotherhood's mission on the pirate boat? Kill the captain and leap off the back of the balcony into the river.
Bravil? Kill someone, steal something and you can just hurl yourself into the river and swim off.
Running away from the SI? Come out of the Stone Mouth Portal and throw yourself into the Nibenay.
Fort Grief? Escape the prison Island by jumping into the water. Same with the Mage's Guild Get-your-staff mission.
I could go on and on. Just wondered if anyone else noticed this? Is it deliberate design or coincedence?