I've been recently thinking about this and I'm wondering about a couple things.
1. Is it worth it for me to have Broken Steel installed or should I just drop it, also should I Drop Point Lookout too.
2. If I uninstall Broken Steel can I still play Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta or will I need to uninstall both of those.
3. Will the patch (I think it's the latest one) still work if I uninstall these DLC's.
Broken Steel ups your level cap to 30, instead of 20. Also, there is a definite end, without Broken Steel involved. As in credits rolling kinda end. I like Broken Steel, the extra perks were meh, except one for me. Quantum Chemist is really the only perk that I want out of BS. However, I like the quest line (whether my character does it or not, is a different story), there is a lot of heavy combat.....
Point Lookout was the best DLC in my opinion. Yes, better than the Pitt.
I don't know about question #2 or 3, but I believe that any patch will still work.