My idea, or should i call it desire, was to play one Fallout set on the post-apocalyptic european wasteland. I have some scenarios to toss around, such as:
Location: Lisbon, Portugal.
Characteristics: Being a small country/state and usually not very much involved in military and economic actions since the first World War, it must be one of the least damaged by the Great War but for having it's shores on the atlantic ocean may also mean that radiation poisoning from Northern America and Europe poisoned the land badly.
Location: Rome, Italy
Characteristics: Who doesn't have that curiosity to see the post-apocalyptic Vatican? What remains from all the Roman ruins? Maybe a "true Legion" rose to power, fueled by Catholic ideals, lauching itself into a crusade against the unholy, believing to be living the Armaggedon, constantly expecting the hordes of Hell to rise and Jesus Christ to save what remains of the word. Imagine the Pope to be the exact same Pope from when the Bombs fell, a Ghoul. Brilliant!
Location: Berlin, Germany
Characteristics: Maybe somwhat like the NCR. Devastated but on it's way to political, social and military stability. Standart Fallout game.
Location: Scandinavian Countries
Characteristics: It is not known if they joined the Commonwealth, taking in mind that currently they are very much independent from the Euopean Union. Picture this as the "Skyrim of Fallout".
Location: Great Britain and Ireland
Characteristics: I couldn't leave this behind. Heavily devastated, one faction that self-proclaimed to be the descendant of the Brittish Crown, re-creating history by trying to conquer Scotland and Ireland once more.
My personal favourite would be the one set in Rome, but give me your opinions! And just let us dream that somehow the good people at Bethesda read this and extract some ideas! xD