I Just Started Another Account On The PC Version And Before The Emporer dies in the tutorial instead of giving me amulet he said "Take this skooma quick i had an overdose and i don't want to let the council know Take this skooma to martin as he is my drug dealer" And I Received 1250 Doses of skooma? Has he made a mod or is just some glitch??? Help! :brokencomputer: Also a mecanical chicken came out instead ocff an assassin and blew me up?????
I Just Started Another Account On The PC Version And Before The Emporer dies in the tutorial instead of giving me amulet he said "Take this skooma quick i had an overdose and i don't want to let the council know Take this skooma to martin as he is my drug dealer" And I Received 1250 Doses of skooma? Has he made a mod or is just some glitch??? Help! :brokencomputer: Also a mecanical chicken came out instead ocff an assassin and blew me up?????
I highly doubt thats possible, you can check what mods are being utilized in the Launcher.
Go into the launcher and tell us what files are there under "Data Files". To your other question, modding is a process which takes time and patience to learn. You can't master modding overnight.
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097 then go to export the load list and paste it here. It should look something like this. http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq102/Starforce9/OblivionModmanager.jpg