I know that, and I'm not saying it should be more skill related, I'm saying that the PC should be able to interact in a more physical/realistic manner with the world. Maybe instead of a pop up and a another font saying that you defused a bomb or cooked an imitation of human flesh, you could snip a wire, throw some brahmin on a skillet, instead of just jumping and running mid-air a full on vault, instead of doing an odd run, a temporary sprint- not a full on sprint mind you, maybe you can only sprint when you go below a weight limit that's below the over-encumbered weight limit, or if you fall down too far, there's a realistic landing that looks like you're trying to land without being hurt, something like when you jump while crouched. There's so much room for improvement, and you're all saying it wouldn't work when I can see it work SO WELL. It's frustrating.