So, if I understand correctly, when a mortal dies, he/she goes to the Dreamsleeve and after a while is reincarnated in the mortal world. Is that right?
So what exactly is the difference between a mortal dieing and a Daedroth dieing? It sounds like the same thing to me; "mortals" go to the Dreamsleeve, then come back. Daedra go to the Voids of Oblivion, then come back. Is the only difference that the Daedra remember their past lives and "mortals" do not?
Now this is getting me to another line of thinking: as of Oblivion, we know that mortals can survive, for years on end even, in Daedric realms.

What's more, Mr. Cameron was in control of the enviroment of his Paradise. When he died, his Paradise litterally came crashing down and was destroyed. This would suggest to me that Cameron had the same position on his Paradise as a Daedric Prince would have in its own plane; the Paradise was an extension of Cameron himself.
So basically....Mankar Cameron became prince of his own Daedric realm? I assume it was a Daedric realm, anyway, since he was a Daedra worshipper, the Paradise was in Oblivion, and it was full of Daedra.
So from all this, it seems to me that "mortals" and Daedra are the same thing! Everything that used to make them seem like seperate types of beings has been proven false.
So...are mortals in fact a kind of Lesser Daedra? :blink: