hmm...reading this thread i have a few small questions. if a mortal dies, he goes to an afterlife, right?
No. The mortal soul enters the Dreamsleeve, which is like a dream-catcher in the Native American sense, only it gets souls. These souls are then set in there for, well, however long until it's their time to be put back into a 'waking dream'. It's like reincarnation. Well, it IS reincarnation. Which is why the Nerevarine is also called the Incarnate. This is the cycle of all things, unless you're a god.
if so, then if a god dies, he'd just go to an afterlife, right? and if a god controlled where mortals go, would he go there too?
No. Gods DON'T die, irregardless of whatever you may think happened with Lorkhan. Lorkhan isn't DEAD, nor is he disembodied, or hacked up, or whatever else you would say. He's waiting, is all. In Morrowind, a common misconception is that once you hit the Heart of Lorkhan with Keening and Sunder, you 'destroy' the Heart. But you don't, you FREE the Heart. Think of it like a boat out at sea. Its got its anchor down, and it's trying to get in to shore. Do you think the boat is going to get anywhere? No, and that's how it is with the Heart. You, in essence, cut the chain of the anchor that was holding the Heart on Nirn. Once you freed it, its physical form dissipated, and the metaphysical power of it got transfered back to Lorkhan. He's laying there, outside of the Aether, the Wheel, and he's slowly being brought back. Mantellia, Heart, he just has to wait for the right time to actually COME back. The Towers are like giant fishing nets, and all of the Deadra, plus Lorkhan, are like Trouts. The less Towers active, the bigger the holes in the netting get. Lorkhan, he's a damn big Trout, so in order for him to come back (and do a little reclaiming), he needs the net to be gone entirely. Now, when a god gets into Mundus and lands on Nirn, then yes they can be DEFEATED (not killed), and then the god would be sent back to the Waters of Oblivion (just like any Daedra) and they would simply just get to go back to their realm, though wet and pissed that they lost yet again. Gods don't control where mortals go, either. It's just the nature of AE. Now, if you can break THROUGH the cycle, you then BECOME a god.
if a god theoretically died, would he simply cease to exist? and if a god is an idea, would that type of thing die? like if sheogorath died, would madness be cured and at the same time, if jyggylag and sheogorath were still same person, would order cease to exist?
If 'theoretically' a god were to 'die', we'd either have a massive Dragon Broke on our hands, or, the (best) worst case, a LandFall.

if a god is banished, could he still contact things, or would that depend on the level of his banishment? so could lorkhan, being banished or something, could he somehow "revive" himself to godhood?
Banishment is like being locked out of your house, but we never got much to go on with it because Oblivion completely forgot that Azura was ever banished, and some could even say she was never banished, just used like a stepping stool. But, in sincerity, banishment is like a stun attack. You'll never be TRUELY banished, so long as you have worshippers, because that's your base of power right there, Faith. People don't forget you, and in time, it's like you were never missing at all. Your second question makes no sense though. Lorkhan was never banished...or something. He doesn't need reviving, just a little troupe of insight.

which daedra controls death and afterlife, like a reaper and God at the same time? would arkay control mortal afterlife, so would he control lordly afterlife? hope these questions make a little sense^^
No. Arkay doesn't control life, he just makes sure it doesn't flow freely. A gods life can't be regulated, becuase it is the regulation of the god. Get it?