You should. It basically means your graphic card stores 3 frames instead of 2 and so it can synchronise with your display without being restricted to halves of the monitors refresh rate. I can't picture the math of it quite now (semi brain dead at the moment). i.e. you get vsync without the downside. Obviously this takes more graphic memory but a 5870 has 1gb?
You need ATI tray tool to enable this tho: it has an option to intercept directX calls and enable triple buffering.
- I just tried the motion blur mod and it's quite cool. It's probably a matter of taste tho: basically it blurs the entire screen if you pan the view.
HD5870 have 1GB or 2GB, and mine has 2GB VRAM.
I am downloading ATI Tray Tools now. I do not have OBGE installed, so that motion blur mod is out for now.
Edit: Where do I enable the triple buffer option? I have not interest in overclocking, by the way...
Edit: I found the buffer option. This thing will not OC my GPU by default, right?
Edit: This tool offers some nice features, by the way.