» Tue May 17, 2011 2:50 pm
Stuff I want to be able to buy in Skyrim when I have way too much money:
These are all great. And the ability to "upgrade" them with newer furniture and decor is nice too. Further enhancements are a must, like multiple levels of furniture and decor quality, instead of just one.
Business Investments/Possible Returns:
Invest a sum into your local business and watch it thrive, then collect your return investment. Or watch it sink like a granite rowboat and weep bitterly on the curb in the rain.
Buy the business outright:
Those who work there are now your employees. Either let them run the shop their way, and collect the profits, or make changes for better, or worse.
Use it as a floating base of operations. Lease it out to traders who own no ship of their own. Buy a whole fleet and start running your own East India Company style trading route!
The services of the Dark Brotherhood do not come cheap, but if you want someone dead and don't want their blood on your hands personally, it's totally worth it.
Personal Estate:
Start by purchasing a plot of wild, untamed land. Choose strategically for optimal access and trade possibilities. Hire a team of carpenters and masons, choose what kind of building to build, then set them to work building it. Hire further people to work the fields, the smithy, the kitchens, and guard duty. Take the crops, weapons, equipment, and other goods and set up a trade route.
Beasts of Burden:
Like horses and mules. It takes money to maintain them too, so you have to pay for stabling, feed, etc.
Share your wealth with the poor communities of Skyrim and watch them use it to rebuild themselves a better life! Or watch them squander it on booze and skooma.
Research and Development:
The guild of mages have some great ideas for some new kinds of spells, but they don't have much funding to make it all happen. Help them out financially, and they'll repay you with magic or magical items nobody else has!